Chapter 4

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"Do you know where Austin's house is?" I asked trying to remain calm. Kota showed me the pictures Blake sent her and I'm furious! How dare he lay a hand on her? How dare he hurt her so bad that it leaves whelps? I'm going to murder that asshole! He will not live to see another day if I can get my hands on him.

"No, I have no idea where he lives. He's just so secretive and he would never let me come over to see Blake. I guess I understand why now." I sighed and hugged her. "We're going to get our girl back. That asshole will regret ever laying a hand on her! We should have tried to intervene the first time you saw him hit her! I feel like a terrible friend for not getting her out of this before it got to bad. I should have protected her better! But no I was too busy having a pity party because Blake was in a relationship. I was too stupid to look past my feelings and focus on my best friend." 

"It's not your fault Ash. We couldn't have ver known it would have gone this far. We'll get her back. We'll save her from him!"Kota said. I sighed and nodded. If I knew where he lived trust me I would be kicking his door down. I just want Blake here with me so I know she's safe.

"I just should have told her how I felt and we wouldn't be in this situation! I just miss seeing the sun shine through her eyes and her smile. I miss that warmth that you could see in her. I don't even recognize my best friend anymore and that absolutely crushes me inside." I said running my hands through my hair. 

"We'll get her back. We can go to the police station and show them the pictures. Maybe they can help us find her." Kota said. "I don't think they'll be able to help. I'm scared it'll only make Austin retaliate and hurt her even worse. We need to be as discrete as possible." Cassi walked over to us and she had tears rolling down her face. Kota wrapped her arms around her and they both started crying. 

"I wanna beat the shit out of Austin!" Cassi said. "We all do!" Hannah said tears rolling down her face. "I know this is weird but do you remember that episode of ICarly where they were kidnapped?" I asked. Everyone look at me weird and I sighed. "They got kidnapped by Nora and they sent Gibby a secret message. They made the message to him after every fourth word of every sentence. I can leave her a voicemail and leave her a goofy message. I can somehow come up with a way for every fourth word to say "You need to send me your address." Hopefully she'll get it and be able to figure it out." 

"You might just be smart Irwin." Calum said slinging his arm over my shoulder. I pulled my phone out and dialed her number. It went straight to voicemail and I waited for the beep. I held my finger up and started talking.

 "Hey B, I know this is a strange voicemail but you know I always have to send you a weird every fourth. Thats everything fourth word. Word word word. I'm gonna rap. Just kidding we know that will never turn out good. But it is the fourth word. Blake, I miss you! I guess I need to get this off my chest. I just want to say this. I had to send in my school application. We talked about us doing it together. But I guess you're not doing it anymore. I sent your address to them as well.... I'm done B. Hope to see you later." I hung up the phone and sighed. 

"Let's hope she hears that and is able to decipher it." I said. "She's smart Ash, I'm sure she'll understand it." Calum said. "I just want her to be safe. I'm scared of what he's going to do to her if we don't get her out." "We won't let him hurt her anymore." Calum said. "I'll be glad when she is here with me."

 "Ashton we'll get her back and Austin will never be able to touch her again. Blake will find a way to get us her location. Everything will be okay." Calum said hugging me. "I just need to stop worrying so much. I know she's smart and she'll find a way out." I said sighing. 

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