unconventional taste - nagisa pt. 3

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you're over at nagisa's house, working together on lesson plans for the coming semester. or, at least, that's what you're supposed to be doing. since that night a few weeks ago, the two of you have had a very intimate sort of relationship, and you can't help but touch each other when no one's looking. you're not really sure if you're dating or not, but you're too happy with the way things are to define what exactly you have between you. teachers aren't supposed to be involved with each other anyway, so you're trying to keep it secret. not like everyone can't see right through you anyway. sure enough, students and staff alike had been buzzing about your matching hickeys, and you overheard one girl say, "it's about time! you could cut the sexual tension between those two with a knife!"
it's pretty embarrassing having the whole school in on your sex life, but at the same time you're happy about how much everyone seems to approve of the two of you as a pair.
back to the present, though. the two of you have just about ditched your work altogether in favor of some good old fashioned making out. who ever said summer vacation was only for students, anyway?
"nagisa," you pant.
"mmm, (y/n)."
you hold his face and pull yourself away, looking him straight in the eye.
he blinks.
"i was wondering if..." embarrassment starts to creep into your cheeks.
"if maybe... you'd want to try something a little... different?"
he looks at you, confused. "what do you have in mind?"
you shift uncomfortably. "well... uhh... would you... let me tie you up?"
his eyes widen.
"u-um, you don't have to if you don't want to, we can just forget about—"
he puts a finger over your lips and smiles.
"sure, i'll try it."
your heart pounds. "o-okay, great."
the two of you sit there, with you on his lap, staring at each other for a bit.
"so..." you break the silence, "do you have any rope?"
"yeah, i must have some somewhere. excuse me." he shifts out from underneath you and moves to his closet. after a few seconds of shuffling around, he comes back out with a long coil of industrial rope.
"why do you keep that in your closet?" you ask.
he looks slightly taken aback. "o-oh, you know, just in case!"
you guess so.
"alright, come here..." you beckon to him. he walks over and hands you the rope, and you can tell he's nervous.
"don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you. here," you slowly unbutton his shirt and slide it off, and do the same with his pants. "sit down." you pat the floor next to you. he kneels stiffly.
"relax..." you take off your shirt and gently tie it around his eyes, as a sort of makeshift blindfold. "is this alright?"
he nods. "y-yeah."
you move behind him and lightly bring his arms around with you. you cross his wrists over each other and tie them with the rope, taking care so that it isn't too tight.
"tell me if it hurts, or if you want to stop, okay?"
you stick your thumbs in either side of his underwear line. "can i remove these for you?"
"go ahead."
you slip them off, holding him steady so that he doesn't fall. you ease him back into a kneeling position and spread his legs. you carefully tie them with rest of the rope attached to his wrists.
you shuffle back in front of him and admire your handiwork. "okay, all done. are you comfortable enough? is anything too tight?"
"i-i'm fine."
"good." you crawl towards him and caress his cheek with one hand, lightly running the other down his chest and drawing patterns with your finger.
"don't worry. i'm gonna make you feel really good." you lean in, leaving butterfly kisses along his neck and collar. you move down to his chest, licking a nipple while you're at it, and his breath hitches.
"hmmm, how should i play with you..."
you scoot behind him and wrap your arms around him so that your hands rest on his stomach.  you kiss his neck from behind and slowly slide your hands down to his groin, where there's a lovely erection already in place.  you take it into your hand and start rubbing. 
you lightly suck on his neck, moving up and down with your mouth.  you shift back around in front of him and kiss him on the lips, still jerking him.  you kiss him, and kiss him again, and again, and you sort of lose yourself in him for a moment so that your hand movements get sloppy. 
"mmmn... nnh..."
you regain consciousness and move your kisses down his jaw, his neck, his chest, his stomach... you slow down your descent as you approach his twitching arousal, teasing him.  you can hear him breathing hard and fidgeting.  you pull away, and he whines impatiently.  you giggle a little before coming back down and putting your mouth around him.  you start sucking and twirling your tongue lovingly and you can hear him sigh in relief.  you start slowly, but gradually speed up.  he can't move much, so you have to read other signs to determine his need.  the sound of his breathing, his twitching and struggling, his moans and whines.  he's shy, so he'll rarely give you any instruction. 
"don't worry, nagisa.  i'm going to finish you like this."
"haaaahhh... thank you..."
true to your word, you diligently continue to suck him off until he's thrashing and screaming and drooling, signifying a complete success.  you take him out of your mouth and sit up to remove his blindfold.  his eyes flutter open and he smiles at you as you circle around to take off his arm restraints.  you help him slip off the rope around his legs and he stretches with a relieving sigh. 
"that wasn't terrible, was it?"
"not terrible at all."
he winds the rope around his hand and looks at you. 
you blink.  "what?"
you can barely see him as he quickly moves in, wrapping his arms around you and pulling them away to reveal that he's got you tied to the leg of the table!  the last thing you see is his innocent smile before your vision gets blocked by your own dang shirt that you had just used on him.
"my turn❤︎."
you squirm gleefully.  "aaah, how thrilling...!"
you feel him unhook your bra and slip it off, next your bottoms and your panties, leaving you totally exposed.  how the turn tables!  you can feel his hands on you but you can't tell where exactly they're coming from, and he kisses you from all different directions.  it's like you're surrounded by nagisa, which is kind of great.  you sigh, and he giggles mischievously.  a hand cups your boob while the other slides down to your opening.  you feel a kiss on the back of your neck, and a finger slips inside you. 
he rubs you in slow circles which soon alternate in pacing.  fast, then slow, then fast again.  you squirm, but don't accomplish much. 
you feel a breath right next to your ear.
"hold still."
"aaahh... aahhhh... it's so hard, aaahhnmmm!"
suddenly there are lips on your mouth.  you have no idea how he circled around so stealthily, without giving it away even as he fingers you.  he kisses you, swallowing all of your moans as he slips 2, 3 fingers, and eventually his whole hand between your folds, pumping hard.  it doesn't take long at all for you to climax, and he takes good care of you as you do, kissing you and touching you as much as you need.  when your orgasm has died down, he unties you.  his hands reach behind your head to remove your blindfold, and you see him looking somewhat sheepish. 
"so... uh... what did you think?"
you smooth out some of the wrinkles in your shirt.
"i think we need to get a proper blindfold, because i want you to keep doing that to me."
he laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
you put your hands on his lap.
"but for real, that was amazing.  you were incredible."
he blushes and holds your hands in his. 
"i liked it a lot more than i expected, too."
"oh, really?"
he nods.  "yeah.  i have some issues with being restrained and controlled, but with you it was okay.  i trusted you, and you didn't let me down.  it felt really nice for someone to keep my best interests at heart while i was so vulnerable."
you squeeze his hands. 
"i love you, nagisa."
he looks at you in total shock.  you weren't expecting to say that, either, but you're not going to back down now.  it's true, anyway. 
"i hope... that's okay with you."
he slowly closes the distance between the two of you and kisses you softly.
"it's... very okay.  i love you too."
this moment really felt like true happiness.  you could feel your hearts melting together as you held each other gently, securely, perfectly in love.  you don't know when the sun came up, but you feel like it was when nagisa shiota told you he loved you.  you never want to let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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