Going Day By Day

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A/N: I still don't really know where I want to take this story, I just had a thought and here we are. This is going to be a avengers fanfic with my own character (who might be Natasha's sister.. I'm still not sure) If you have any ideas or suggestions on who the fanfic should be with in the avengers then feel free to comment. I might go with Bucky but I'll think about it. Oh, and also I haven't thought of a name yet so feel free to comment some suggestions! Anyway, this story might include some disturbing themes such as sexual assault, rape, torture and mature language. I will definitely not write about said themes in detail but they will be mentioned so pre-warning. On a more happier note though, I sometimes feel as though Scott Lang isn't appreciated much in fanfics, and I love him so much, so he will be in it a lot being the only one close to the character in the beginning. 

Silence rang through the hall. Unusual for the Red Room to be so silent. 1:37 am glowed on the small wristwatch that was given to me by Scott not that long ago. I lay still in bed, hand chained to the frame, feeling numb. Yet another day of torture and hell finished but still more to come. Aleksandr had left the room mumbling Russian profanities under his breath as he quickly buttoned his pants and slammed the industrial door shut before, presumably, going on his way to bed. I on the other hand, stared at the wall, drowning the pain  and oppressing many thoughts. I slowly glances over at my hand that was slightly elevated due to the place in which it was chained tightly on the bed frame and noticed slight bruises forming under the thick layer of dirt. With a sigh and a groan in pain, I slowly closed my eyes to sleep.

3:42 am rolled by too quickly and I was yet again left in silence to stare at the wall, or even more fun, the ceiling until 5 am for the wake up call. Over the many years of being trapped in the cell, playing piano and dancing in preparation for the ceremony my internal clock has gone from an average of needing 8 hours sleep to 2 hours if I'm lucky. My body is exhausted and my brain feels dead but  I can't simply stop. The only thing that gets me through each dreadful day is Scott. My lord he is amazing but the only times he can sneak in is early in the morning. The main reason he is able to sneak into the Red Room Academy is because this is the 2nd rebuild and is on 'low profile', not a lot of people know about it and those who do are apart of Red Room, therefore security is low. He manages to bring with him things from the outside world in to my cell by shrinking it and passing it through the smallest bars spaced as a window. He visits every night but never the same time, not only to be safe but because he is busy being the best person alive  and helping a team of superheros  save the world. Of course I don't mind at all because then he arrives with fascinating stories of how 'Awesome' and 'Fucking Amazing' the whole event was. His stories are the only things I have to look forward too, my mind imagines the whole scene take place while I lay in bed and Scott sits beside me. He is the only person, since before the orphanage ordeal, that has heard me talk since to everyone else I was just a mute, a 'stubborn freak show of a bitch' as Aleksandr liked to call me. I refused to talk to anyone, no matter who, but Scott somehow manages to melt the ice that engulfed my heart and become a father figure to me. Or what I would imagine a father figure to be as I never had one.


A cold object placed against the back of my head, impatient tapping of his foot drilled its way through my mind but slightly overpowered by the sound of the grand piano. My face held its dull monotone look, showing no emotion as this was a regular routine for me. With my eyes closed my hands glided across the keys gracefully playing the songs that were embedded into my memory. The other girls dancing their ballet routine to it in preparation for the ceremony soon coming. The object was forced further into the back of my head, sending it jolting forward slightly due to the sudden movement, but I still play the song like I was taught to.
Soon being dragged up by the arm, his grip so tight it would certainly leave bruises that can be added to the broken canvas of my skin, I was thrown back into my cell and shouted with the usual Russian insults from one of the men working for Madame B. I gently brushed my fingers over where his grip use to be, tracing the red fingermarks. A muffled groan pulled me out of my thoughts and my head shot up to the poor excuse of a window. Scott smiled in his mask and ran, shrinking in mid jump the growing to his normal side. "You will not believe what just happened! I-It was crazy, There was this huge thing... and more huge things, a-and then we fought for so long, then out of no where..." He stuttered in excitement and rushed his sentences out. I watched his face, full of joy, express his emotions perfectly with each word. He sat on the side of my bed after taking a deep breath. "Slow down." I chuckled quietly, placing my hand on his to stop them from acting each fight and explosion with gestures. "Tell me everything, from the beginning-And slowly." I told him and smiled faintly, knowing that  everyone of the guards were in the great hall making the girls perfect each move I could talk with calmness.

After he told his story, I'm guessing he slightly exaggerated parts due to how ridiculous it sounded, but I still stared at him in awe of how happy and full of joy he was. "You know, I should totally break you out of here and we can kick ass together. Since, you know, you can do your Magical Things. Think of how much safer the world would be. No villains, no pain....No Red Room.." He looked at me gently running his hands through my hair. "Hm." I hummed "That sounds too much like a fantasy, not a real world. There has to be pain to understand how things work. Just, I guess some people are forced to endure more than others. Its just what happens, and plus I can't be seen out there, I don't belong out there with everyone." I smiled faintly and looked up at him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "You know thats not true." He said sternly "You deserve to be free. I promise I will find a way to get you out." He gently kissed the top of my head like he would to his daughter for comfort. "I know, one day." I sighed quietly. Suddenly there was loud stomping coming closer, someone was coming down the hall...Aleksandr! "Quick! Go now." I shouted hushed and shot up from the bed. Scott stood up, gently kissing my cheek "We'll be free together soon, I love you." He whispered and quickly shrunk while jumping out of the window. And just like that he was gone. "I know..I love you too Scott." I mumbled to myself, while I saw him run off. I crept over to my bed and placed my wrist in the cuff, wincing in pain as I closed it and lay down. I don't know how Scott found out of this place, but since my room is the only one with the window it was the only entrance in. Since I am the oldest in the academy at age  27 and more skilled, the new favourite,  I got 'upgraded' to have a window installed in the concrete walls. With a deep breath to attempt to calm my self down knowing what will happen, the door flung open and Aleksandr made his way over to me. I closed my eyes as a tear rolled down the side of my face as my body returned to the usual numb feeling.

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