Steamy Trip

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"Hey!" he jerked his door open in excitement and smiled at me so hugely that I couldn't help but smile too, "Are you okay?" I was pulled into his house and into his arms, my smile went soft while I relaxed in his arms and rested my head on his chest, "You seem down."

"I'm fine, don't worry." I looked up at him and patted his chest, "Are you ready to go or do you need help packing?"

"I'm good actually, I have everything I need, are you ready to head out?" he tugged me flush against his body and let me tell you he was warm, it made me feel happy and safe.

"Let's go," I stretched to meet his lips to give him a kiss and helped him take his things to my car, even though he complained he could do it. "You know I don't want to be useless and just stand there."

"I wouldn't have you any other way." He smiled and kissed me, I laughed when I pulled away, "It doesn't mean I don't like being a gentleman."

"You can be a gentleman but I'm never going to let you do everything for me." I grinned and shut the trunk, "I will fight to do anything you're doing too, like.... Moving a couch or bed, maybe even building a house." He raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged with a laugh. We got into my car and I followed Tyler's directions to the camping site.

By the time I walked back into my house I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. The weekend had been magical and I mean absolutely magical, I couldn't even get down by the fact I was not going to have my own children after how amazing Tyler made me feel.

My mom met me in the hall and watched me for a second before hugging me, "I'm glad you're in such a good mood, it must have been a good weekend... I probably don't want to hear many details."

"Probably." I smiled and pulled back, "I'll be back down in a little, I need a shower."

"Yeah, you smell like dirt." She joked and shoved me lightly towards the stairs, I laughed softly at her.

I walked into my room and stripped my clothes off right away because they were covered in dirt. Tyler had us hike to the camp site and the night before we left it rained so today everything was muddy and I kept slipping on everything. The thought of last night made me grin ear to ear while I turned the shower on and waited for the water to get warm. We'd been stuck in the tent for hours since the rain started and had to strip down to minimal clothing so we wouldn't get sick. I blushed at the memory of how huge he looked laying in the tent with me.


I tried to take my sleeping bag out of my backpack and cover myself since i only had a bra and undies on but Tyler stopped me by putting a hand on my wrist. When I looked up at him i felt some of my usual anxiety and i felt like the world was crushing me.

"Don't cover your body, you're beautiful to me." He watched me with a content look on his face as i laid the sleeping bag on the ground and climbed on top of it. The tent was a little warm and the rain pounded against it with enough force to make it visible.

Tyler laid across from me and his briefs were glued to his body so i tried my hardest not to really look at him. I glanced at him a moment after watching the rain and saw his perfectly sculpted muscles flexed as he leaned on his elbow and had a knee up. My eyes trailed his body and the tent was getting hotter and hotter. His body heat was wrapping around me, and it didn't help that one of his thighs was rubbing against one of mine. I looked him in the eyes and realize my breathing had become labored as my thoughts raced about him being naked and on top of me. Tyler made a move to lean closer to me and i flung myself at him, crashing his lips to mine and straddling his lap.

I decided i'd give him MY virginity and that was big for me. He wasn't like anyone i'd ever been with and it meant the world to me that he wanted to be with me of all people. So we made love that night, in a tent, in the middle of the woods while the rain muffled the sounds we made.

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