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I pursed my lips while thinking of exactly how to reply to him. Then i received a text from Rick and looked at his right away.

Rick: I can't concentrate today... I'm going to walk to the coffee shop at the end of the block.

Me: Okay, thanks for telling me. I'll pick you up after school.

Then I went back to Tyler's message and decided to give him a short reply.

Me: An old friend who is also my ex. I'd rather tell you more in person and not over text.

Once i hit send i put my phone back into my bag, just in time for some other students to fill the class and the teacher walked in behind them.

School ended a few classes later and I was calling my mom as I walked to my car. "Hey honey, how was your first day?"

"It was the usual first day." I sighed and looked around the lot as I walked. When i spotted Tyler walking to his own car I saw him look up to my direction. He looked conflicted and started to walk towards me but I shook my head so he would stop. Then i continued walking to my car and sat inside to continue speaking to mom. "I need Rick to stay with us for a while. His mom passed and his father has nearly completely abandoned him and his little sister. We spoke today... mom, he doesn't look good."

At one point she was going to interrupt me but stopped when he heard about Rick's mom. "Oh dear... I'm not happy with how he treated you Ange. Are you sure about this?"

"We were friends mom... no matter how much he hurt me i can't just leave him struggling to care for his sister. He needs help." I started the car, "We can help."

"Alright, I'll tell your father." She said gently before telling me she'd see me at home.

Almost as soon as I hung up with her my phone rang again and it was Tyler. I bit my lip and glanced at the time before putting the call on speaker and taking off to the coffee shop. "Hey Tyler, I'm driving... i have something I needed to do so could i call you bak in a few hours?"

"I-... sure." I heard him sigh before saying a short goodbye.

After I picked Rick up I drove us to his place and walked with him into his place. He held the door open for me and i shivered softly at the cold house. "Yeah, my dad hasn't been keeping up with the bills very much. I took Meg to a neighbors to watch over her while i was at school... you can go get her if you'd like."

I nodded softly before leaving the house and going to the neighbors she was at. When i knocked it took less than 10 seconds for a woman to answer and she had Meg in her arms. "Oh hey Ange, I thought you were Rick. Is he okay?"

"Yes, he asked me to pick up Meg for him as he got something from the house." I smiled softly at Meg who was looking at me curiously and glancing between the lady and me.

Suddenly Meg started screaming and stretching out to get to me. I glanced at her in shock before holding my arms out. My chest hurt a little at seeing the toddler because i started thinking about my recent news.

"She hasn't stopped being fussy since her mom passed." The neighbor passed her to me easily and i quickly supported Meg in my arms so she was sitting on my arm and my other hand held her back.

As quickly as she started screaming Meg had stopped and now rested her head into the corner of my neck. My heart soared a little but i was a little shocked how quickly she calmed. "You've got the magical touch." The neighbor giggled softly and i smiled at her, "Thanks for picking her up and it was nice seeing you."

I nodded my goodbye and made my way back to Rick's house. Since it was cold inside i decided to wait by my car and rocked Meg in my arms a little. When Rick came out with a box and two duffel bags I watched him put his things in the trunk before looking between Meg and me.

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