Look Good Feel Good

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Right before i thought i was going to snap i got a text and it was from Tyler: You look great today by the way.

i laughed, pulling back and letting out a loud breath i didn't know i was holding. He would never realize how good it felt to have my bad thought put at ease just with this simple message. After another moment to calm down i left the bathroom and squeezed my way through the crowded halls to my first class.

Before the turn to the next hall that would lead to my class i stopped dead in my tracks at what someone said, "Angelica! I love your hair!" I glanced towards the source of the voice and was surprised to see it was someone i'd never met before.

i smiled politely though, "Thanks!" and kept pushing past people to get to my class and get a good seat. It was a pretty crowded class since it was English, but this one had the best teacher in it because she could actually teach the class and was chill.

Ms.Blackburn was a younger teacher but she had the best teaching style by far. i smiled at her when i walked into the class and turned my head to look for a good seat in the class. There were a few seats left in the front but they were near most of the people i'd try to stay away from, the jock crowd. in the back there were plenty of seats but i wanted to be able to see everything and interact with the teacher. So i swallowed my nerves about who were in the seats around me and sat down in the front of the class.

I took my time pulling out a notebook, my planner and a folder since class wasn't starting for another ten minutes.

"I'm sorry Ms.Blackburn but i'm just not getting what you're trying to say." one of the guys from the football team was saying to her. We had been given a small writing assignment for her to be able to measure where everyone was at. "What are we supposed to contrast and compare?"

"Anything, whatever you have in mind. it's just to figure out your writing ability." she clasped her hands together and looked around, "Anyone think they can help?"

i looked up from my assignment which i was already halfway done in the ten minutes we'd started, "Andrew," my mouth blurted his name and i struggled to keep my face calm, what the fuck was i doing talking in class? this was so unlike me, Andrew looked up at me slightly interested that i knew his name. "For example i'm comparing and contrasting two forms of art, pottery and painting. It's something that interests me, so football interests you right?"

He nodded slowly, still a little behind on where i was taking this, "Why don't you compare and contrast it with another sport like lacrosse. Those are the two biggest sports in our school, it should be pretty easy to do."

"Thats not a bad idea." he smiled which made my face flame up, slightly glad interacting with someone didn't lead to my embarrassment. "Thanks, i know what to write about now."

"No problem." i gasped out, i finally relaxed myself and got back to work. It was dizzying and i almost couldn't concentrate on finishing my assignment.

"Thank you Angelica for helping Andrew," Ms.Blackburn smiled at me when i dropped my paper at her desk when i finally finished. it only took me another ten minutes to finish, almost everyone else had their heads down and pencils moving.

"Not a problem." i smiled gently and went back to my seat, there was still a few minutes left to class so i just began to doodle in my sketch book for a few new pottery ideas since i still had a few clients lined up asking for pieces.

There were a few whispers going around the class, it took a lot of my concentration to focus on my drawings so that i wouldn't allow myself to listen to the people talking. I closed my eyes after a few seconds of failing to draw and took a slow deep breath. My chest was tightening and i couldn't think straight anymore. My anxiety was sky rocketing and my thoughts were running wild, since i never spoke in any of my classes people could have been talking about me.

Not so Cliche (TeacherxStudent)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora