NINETEEN | Reality

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There are some old tales of Apocolytes who in desperate times invoked the aide of a single dragon, but the Swarm only answers the Endtimes call. Dragons are the keepers of temporal existence. It is by their very breath that earth continues, by their presence that the seas teem with diversity, that mammals enjoy the ground beneath them.

After the purge, as the scars healed and the lands of Mearth grew green again, as the scorching disappeared like it had never happened, the tone of impending doom for humanity was in adjournment as the clutch presented its 'evidence' to the Council.


He waited for her. He now knew her face, her silent presence—not silent to him though, bold and free, unencumbered by human language choosing her own path, within the woods, always.



Kreelah was removing the pan of dressings she'd changed when something caused her to look back at her young patient's face. Hazel-green eyes watched her in silence. "You're awake! Are you all right? How are you feeling?"

Qello didn't respond.

"I'm Kreelah of Strantoken. We're here in the medicine woman's cottage in Wandoor. Do you remember this room?"

Qello Orkin's eyes moved to survey the room she was in, but gave no sign she could come up with an answer.

"Don't try to talk, now," Kreelah said. "Just enjoy some more rest. You'll have lots of time, while you're mending, for anything else. Do you think you can have a bit more water? I've been giving you water and some of our drops, but you kept going back into—sleep."

At the girl's widening eyes, the young woman named Kreelah said, "Don't be afraid. Your wounds will all heal. You've been asleep for a while. Can you remember the last time I gave you a drink?" Qello riveted alarmed eyes back onto Kreelah's face.

"No, I guess not, eh? Well, you've been awake here and there for just a few minutes and all you managed was water and broth. Do you remember anything much about how you were hurt?"

The girl, still wide-eyed, just watched her.

"All right then. I don't want to make you have to talk to answer yet. I should let the medicine woman know you're awake. She's out in the garden." Kreelah moved to the door and looked back. "You're a right lucky girl to be alive, do you know that? I dare say I don't know how they climb where you're from, but no one here has ever survived the kind of a fall like you've had—not from Devil's Dive, that's sure certain."

The memory shot through Qello like icy dampness—the smells in the Dive were filling her nostrils. She was spinning and falling, an abrupt snag—that was it.

"You've broken the town streak for its really bad luck. That was just awful. To most you're a blessing, an omen. You might find you are a very popular girl, right now. I'll try to let Alphonse know you're awake, if he'll let me. He's been really worried, but he hasn't come close. You just stay and rest there. I'll open these curtains. Are you warm enough, because I can open the window and get you some blankets? Here, you can look outside, at least, and see all the trees."

When Qello made no sign or objection, Kreelah threw the window open as wide as she could, fresh air came on the breeze rushing into the house. They looked out at sunshine, together, hearing the birds.

"Oh there you are, Thunder! Hey! You're squashing those." Kreelah spoke to a big grey cat on the window box, where he sat in the flowers. "Oh, and you'll have a new friend," she said to Qello. "This here fella is Mr. Thunderpaws Bandicoot." She reached to bring the big cat inside. "Yes. That's his name! Come here, my friend." She lifted him and turned so Qello could see the dangling fur-creature. "He tries to sleep under your covers, but we keep on shooing him out. Do you mind if he comes near you?"

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