TWENTY-TWO | Stirrings

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Note to Readers:

In this, my Special Season Break Chapter called, Story of People: Stirrings - We learn the history of Mearth, with a few surprising events.

If you're listening along with the podcast, you'll notice something fantastic and new - We have music! The music hints at the future. It foreshadows what is to come, as well as hinting at some of the origins of Qello's whole journey.

The song was composed especially for Mearth and was written by our very real AngelElf, singer extraordinare, who performed this for Qello and deserves all the thanks and magical blessings. You can share your reactions with Angelique, here in the comments!

If you haven't heard it yet and you like to listen to stories as well as to read, you could find Yellowhair in a digital audio production wherever you normally go to hear podcasts, by typing in Yellowhair or Stories from Hole in the Woods! If you want reminders of other new Elf Hollow audio stories, I don't promise to be prompt, but please send an email to: elves AT, with the wordSubscribein the subject line, or even better, say, Hello! and they'll answer!



Story of People: Stirrings - Season Interlude Chapter

As the sun rose and set on the world, spinning through time—River heard and felt all those who listened, those who attuned to her presence where she lived inside the essence of All.

From the high mountain peaks where her rains danced and gathered, sparkled in sunshine, through her misty cool channels and fast flowing passes along high valley slopes in all of Mearth's lands, River meandered and sang, wishing for company—to love is so fine!

Mostly, she sensed her connection to the beings whose thoughts were so still, and could feel her currents within them. She sent the upright creatures within her domain her complete acceptance, her force for life and her grace.

Her will was to flourish, to heal and to grow—to listen to life, love and nature.

River remembered much through all of this time.

River remembered the Cleanse, its heat that scorched all poisons that surrounded her. It was brought on by strife, fears and greed—power that perpetrated suffering, famines and more death of her lands.

The dragon fire River remembered eerily! —A near life extinction event. River remembered the sky, dark with huge beating wings, the smell of sulphur still as acrid in memory as it was in fact.

Then she enjoyed the calm times that had followed—the peace and the healing, alone. River was free beyond that to help all things grow clean and green again, the lands once more to flourish—the songs of the meadow to spring forth and renew.

She nourished and encouraged all creatures of life, out of darkness into re-birth and return.

River never gave sleep a thought through all of this time, but she too would welcome a rest and the joy of knowing her job had been thoroughly done—always fresh, accepting, forgiving, impartial—to embrace all that sought her in comfort.

Without the land, these souls are empty of spirit.

River mused.

Is that not Allness?

Is memory not by definition, consciousness—bringing experience to life?

What else might divinity offer?

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