Yaeman's National District Schools Fighting Competition Round V

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The little girl woke up in the middle of the night, terrified. She turned her head to her right and saw her sister sleeping soundly. The little girl hopped out of her bed and left her and her sister's bedroom. Then, she wondered downstairs for a drink of milk. As she opened the fridge, someone grabbed her from behind. She screamed.
"Stop, calm down, it's just me. Just me. Come on, I want to test something." the man said calmly.
"DADDY!!!" the little girl screamed. Tears fell down her cheeks. The little girl's sobs became louder.
"DADDY!!!" the little girl screamed between her sobs. The little girl's father ran downstairs.
"#?$&@¥! ! You! What're you doing!" the little girl's father roared.
"No, just give me a second. I want to test something. Something great....." the man said. The little girl kept crying.
"Daddy please!" the little girl cried. The man tried to persuade the little girl to come. He promised she'd be back before sunrise. Then, something about the little girl changed. Her eyes turned gold as she continued crying. Maybe the little girl didn't know who he was? Maybe she's seeing things? The man questioned why the little girl was so scared. Like she had a nightmare and she's remembering it. The little girl's tears fell on to the man's hands. All of a sudden, the girl's tears turned hot, very hot, as they fell on the man's hands. The man jumped back.
"Ugh!" the man said. He lost his grip on the little girl, so she quickly slipped her hand away from his.
"Daddy!" she screamed, getting up and running towards her father. The man stumbled back, shocked.
  "I'm not trying to hurt her. I want to help her, but fine. Maybe another time you'll be convinced." The little girl's father hugged the little girl.
  "Yeah, maybe another time. You need to go, friend." the father commanded. The little girl's father stood up and went over to talk to the man.
"He's gone. Everything's fine." the father said.
  It's not him who scares me, I trust him. I saw something. I saw something but everything is gone now.


  "Oh....so this is your dorm?" Yavara asks.
  "Yeah." I answer.
  "Have you never been in anyone else's dorm?" Olivia asks, straightforward. I step on her foot.
  "Oh....it's okay. No, not really. I've only been to my.......friend's dorm." Yavara answers. Why does she always stop before saying friend? Are they more of acquaintances than friends? Is she making it up? I could tell Olivia had the same question.
  "By friends do you mean like acquaintances but not really friends or maybe......more than friends?" Olivia says, hinting at the fact that Yavara could have a boyfriend. Yavara blushes.
  "U-Um we're not dating. Just friends." she replies.
  "Sureeee." Olivia says sarcastically.
  "So, anyways, what do you guys want to do?" I ask, changing the subject.
  "Hmm.....oh! Doesn't the competition start soon?" Olivia questions.
  "Oh! It does! I'm sorry, but I gotta go, maybe we can hang out after the competition?" Yavara ponders.
  "Yeah! Totally." I quickly answer.
  "Thanks bye!!!" Yavara exclaims, quickly leaving my dorm room. Once she's sure Yavara is gone, Olivia turns and looks at me.
  "Hmm....that reply was awfully fast....." Olivia thinks aloud. She gasps.
  "YOU LIKE HER!!!" Olivia gasps.
  "DO NOT." I deny, blushing.
  "You can't deny it! You're blushing all over!" Olivia argues.
  "FINE. I LIKE HER, OKAY?!" I exclaim. That wasn't why I was blushing. I remembered something embarrassing. Also, if I didn't say that Olivia would've said something later in front of her and things would've went wrong.
  "OMG! REALLY? Armon, you do know that she could be our—" I cut Olivia off.
  "Yeah! That's why I said it to make you happy." I state. Olivia completely ignores me.
  "So, lemme get this straight. You, Armon Vonzil, met this girl with hazel eyes, caramel skin, practically black dark and silky red hair, and a radiant smile and from day one, automatically liked her even though she could possibly be your sister because she has features much like father's and knowing that, you STILL like her even though that "friend" of hers is a boy and, don't get me wrong, is a "friend", but specifically her "boyfriend" and you're a really bad liar and attempt to tell me that you don't like her?" Olivia asks.
  "But then again, she could NOT be our sister because just because she has similar features to dad does not mean she is our sister, really. Also, I'm not lying. I was just playing around." I defend.
  "But what if she is? What if you liked her?." Olivia argues.
  "Yeah, but.....yeah...." I agree, getting what Olivia was trying to say..
  "I mean, you were playing around anyways, so why does it matter?" Olivia shrugs. Fair point.
  The match begins. My opponent, Syra, grins. She thinks this'll be an easy battle. I can tell so. Well, I'm not in the mood to do this "I dance around for like half an hour in a fight and then finally win the game" crap, I want to get this over with so I can hang out with Armon and Olivia. Instantly, she charges at me and I move to the side. She trips over her own feet and hits her jaw hard as she falls to the ground.
  "Are you okay?" I ask bending down. She tries to grab my sock, but I use my finger to pin her left hand to the ground. She tries to spit at me, but she misses. The countdown hits 10. I smile a little. I'm in the top 16.
"Wow! What a turn of events! She won without attacking!" the referee says, shocked. After I get my medal, I quickly hurry out of the arena and change. Soon, I'm out of the gym. All of a sudden, I feel someone tap my shoulder.
"Eager to go, aren't you?" Armon asks with a smirk.
"Yeah, so we're going skateboarding?" I question.
"Mhm!" Olivia answers. We head down the hallway towards the school's center courtyard. We go through the courtyard and make a turn so we're at the back of the school where the skateboarding ramps are.
"We're gonna talk for a moment." Armon informs me. I nod and head to the skating ramp. I set down my skateboard and start practicing. Eventually, I start doing flips with my skateboard. I gain enough speed on my graffiti-styled skateboard that when I go up the ramp, I get an extra two feet above the ramp when I jump, and the ramp was already eight feet to begin with because it was for skateboarding pros and extremes tricks. I lift my feet off the skateboard and latch my hands on to the sides of it and curve myself into a C. Then, I completely let go of the skateboard and do a backflip. Just as it appears that I'll land headfirst on the concrete, I latch onto the skateboard again and put my feet on it just as it hits the ground. Then, I turn my head to see if Olivia and Armon are still talking. They're not. Instead, they're staring at me.
"Hm?" I ask, stopping the skateboard and sitting on it.
"H-How d-did you do that?" Olivia asks, amazed. I shrug.
"You told us you weren't that good at skateboarding, but what you just did says otherwise." Armon states.
"I told you I wasn't a huge fan about it, I never said that I wasn't very good." I reply.
"How come you're not on the team?" Olivia questions.
"Eh, didn't feel like trying out. Wasn't my thing." I answer.
"Oh. Well, let's go for a ride around the area." Armon suggests. I start to skate off before they even hop on their skateboards. I stop and wait for them before speeding off again. Olivia stops us at a house.
"This is our house. Wanna drop by?" Olivia asks. Armon nods his head yes. She looks at me.
"Sure. Why not?" I respond. I make sure I didn't smell like sweat and grass before I enter the house.
"Hi mom!" they both say.
"Hey." their mother says, turning around from washing the dishes.
"Um....we brought a friend with us too." Armon mentions.
"Oh really?" their mother questions.
"Yeah." Armon answers.
  "Well they must be boiling, bring them inside." their mother states. I walk up to the front door and up to Armon and Olivia. Olivia scoots over and makes room for me.
  "Mom, this is our friend, Yavara!" Olivia introduces enthusiastically.
****Armon and Olivia's Mother
  The second I see their friend, memories hit me. She reminds me of him. She has some of his features. Not only does she remind me of him, but she reminds me of her mother. Or at least who I think her mother was. The woman who was carrying a baby girl 15 years ago and walked out of his room.......she looks exactly like her. The same cat-like hazel eyes. Same dark, silky red hair. Same dark lashes and eyebrows. Same innocent look. Everything about her was the same—well, except for the features she got from him. He tried to lie, but I caught him in his lie. Later, her mother died in a fire. Poor girl. Must've been hard growing up without your mother. Must be hard growing up without a member of your family in general. I can't be completely sure, though.
  "Thea's a very pretty name, dear." I compliment.
  "Thank you." she replies happily.
  "So what grade'll you be going to?" I ask sweetly.
  "Intermediate." Yavara answers.
  "Oh really?" I question, shocked. If she's an Intermediate, that means she has to be around 17 or 18 years old. That's way older than how old she would have to be to be the baby girl that woman was carrying.
  "Yeah. I can't wait for this school year to start!" Yavara exclaims happily. I continue washing the dishes.
"Oh really? Why?" I ponder.
"I'm turning 16 this year and that means I get a whole week or two of birthday surprise for lunch." Yavara states. Aha!
"Wait, are you serious? You're 15 and an Intermediate? Aren't you supposed to be like, 18? When's your birthday?" Olivia asks, shocked. So my theory could still be correct.
"September 5th." Yavara replies. September 5th? It was around wintertime when I saw that woman. The baby had to at least been three months old and Yavara's birthday fits perfectly with the time I saw her.
"That sucks, it's on the first day of school." Armon comments. Out if the corner of my eye I see Yavara shrug as if to say "I don't really care much.".
"Yavara, don't you want something to eat?" I ask.
"Hm? Uh, no thank you, I'm fine." Yavara answers
"Well, let's head upstairs." Olivia suggests. Yavara, Olivia, and Armon all head upstairs.
"So....who's room?" I ask.
"Mine. It's way cleaner than Armon's will ever be." Olivia responds.
"That's completely true." Armon agrees. We head inside Olivia's bedroom and chat for a bit. Then, I get a text message.

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