The School of Magic introduction

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Your character

Name: Kim (y/n)

Age: 17

Information: You are an only child and you live with your dad he is a single father. You work for his company that specialises in security and "taking out bad guys" in other words it also is a hit man business. You work as both an assassin and a "protector" as your father calls it. You are very skilled and the top assassin in the business you are highly respected and paid well for your work. You are a Red Witch that also has abilities of some other magical creatures. This makes you the most powerful person on the planet and to make sure you don't attract attention or any unwanted friends you pretend to be a low level witch that dabbled in shape shifting. those considered powerful are targets for people that want to be powerful. That's why there are protectors. Red witches are believed to be extinct that's why you stay hidden so you don't end up like your ancestors.

Powers: your a Red Witch and you have abilities similar to that of shapeshifters, werewolves and vampires.

Your Dad

Name: Kim In-tak(Dad/ Mr Kim)

Age: doesn't matter he's  your dad so he's old

information:he is the owner to the biggest company for hit-men and security. he is very rich(this makes you rich). he has a big influence on the higher ups of your city as they are clients to his business . He works "in the shadows" as he likes to say. He loves you his daughter very much and trusts you.

powers: He is a semi-powerful hybrid of a vampire and werewolf.

Your Mum

Name: Kim so-min

Age: again doesn't really matter

information: she was a wonderful mother and a powerful being as he was a red witch. She became targeted she left you and your father. she was hunted down and survived 3 years alone before being killed. there is for this reason not much else to be said apart from you and your dad understand what she did and why. you also know she loved you both very much.

Powers: Red witch and shape shifter.

  Authors note  

These are the characters you will need to know about in the beginning as you will learn more about others as the story continues.

I hope you like this idea for a fan fiction and enjoy this series i will be making thank you.

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