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Thank god it's Thursday. I woke up and did the usual to get ready for the second day oh school. Elle picked me up blah blah blah all that. I was just mainly ready to get today over with so I can come home and watch more Vampire Diaries. Me and Elle walked into first period and looked for our names that were written on the desks. I finally found my seat and I mentally Face palmed when I read the name that was next to mine. Joey Birlem.

Of course, the fuckboii himself is my partner. Why me. I was in my thoughts until the one and only Joey sat next to me.

"Hey princess." He smirked

"Stop with all the nick names." I said obviously already annoyed.

The bell rang and Ms. Shay started talking.

"Okay class this is going to be the seating arrangement for the next 2 weeks. You are sitting with your partner and will be starting your project tomorrow."

She continued to tell us about the project. It seemed fairly easy in my opinion. We had tomorrow and Monday to work on the project at school, everything else had to be worked on at home. Ms. Shay was done talking and told us to talk with our partner about the project.

"So how about I do all the work and you just don't talk." I gave him a obvious fake smile.

"Haha very funny, I'm not letting you do all the work. This project is going to take at least a week or two, so how about you give me your number and we can work the details out later." He said sounding pretty serious.

"Fine." I sighed and wrote my number down in his note book. As I was writing my number down he had to open up his mouth again.

"So I'm throwing a party Friday night, you and your friend over there should come." He pointed to Elle who was sitting next to the blonde boy who hangs out Joey.

"Hmmm I don't know. I think I have plans." I said sarcastically.

"Just come it'll be fun. Loosen up a bit." He smiled. And his smile was so cute, his perfect teeth, there wasn't really any flaw about him. I mean except his cocky attitude.

"Maybe." And with that said the bell rang, and I got up and left. I waited at the door for Elle so we could go to our lockers then walk each other to class.

"I see your partners with the guy you thought was cute." I nudged Elle playfully.

"I know. His name is Charles and he's really sweet and cute. He actually invited me and you to a party Friday at his bestfriends house."

"Yup heard about that I'm partners with his fuckboii bestfriend."

"I think we should go. We haven't been to a party for like a month, I wanna get drunk and have fun. So we're going." She gave me that look that meant I'll drag your ass to that party whether you like it or not.

"I really don't have a say do I." I sighed.

"Nope cause we're going." She smiled at me. I rolled my eyes but then returned the smile.

"Come on let's go to class." I laughed closing my locker.

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