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"Hey girl what happened, tell me everything." Elle said as I got home from Joeys.

"Oh uh, he just wanted to say he was sorry for last night." I lied.

"Oh well at least he apologized." Elle laughed.

"Yeah." I said.

I couldn't tell Elle the truth. What if she judged me if I said yes to the deal. Or what if she didn't want to be friends with me. Even if she didn't care I wasn't going to take any chances.

"Well I have something to tell you." She said happily.

"What?" I smiled.

"Charles just asked me on a date!" She squealed.

"No way! Oh my god this is so good. When is the date?" I asked getting excited for my bestfriend.

"Monday night." She said.

"Ooo girl." I punched her arm playfully.

"Well I have to go I'll see you Monday." She grabbed her stuff and I walked her downstairs.

"Okay, text me." I said then closed the door.

I decided to go on a walk and think. I grabbed my phone and my keys then left. I didn't know what to say to Joey. I mean the other night was great and I like being friends with Joey but do I want to be more than friends. After walking for a while and thinking I went home.

•Monday morning after school•

All day at school Joey kept asking me what my answer was and I simply kept telling him "I'll tell you after school." He was getting pretty anxious with me not telling him. It was quite funny. But now it's after school and I have to tell him. I was walking to the doors to exit the school when I was pulled into a janitor closet. The person who pulled me in turned on the light and of course it was the perfect brown haired boy Joey. He had me pushed against the wall our lips inches apart.

"So what's the answer babygirl?" He licked his bottom lip.

"Hold on I forgot what my answer is." I teased him.

"Maybe I can help you remember." He started kissing and sucking on my neck. I could feel the hickeys he was leaving. He found my sweet spot and l let out a light moan.

"Do you remember now?" He smirked.

His plump lips were still inches away from mine. I could feel his minty breath. I couldn't help but kiss him.

"My answer is yes, but we have to make some rules okay." I said after his perfect lips parted from mine.

"Okay." He smiled.

"Now none of my family's home cause they went on a little trip. So how bout we go back to my place and start this deal." He gave me his signature smirk like always.

I said "Okay" and we got in his car and headed to his house.On our way there we came up with 3 rules those being,
Rule 1: No feelings.
Rule 2: Everything stays between the two of us.
Rule 3: Nothing but sex.
He had his hand on my thigh causing me to get goosebumps. He started teasing me moving his hand up causing my breathing to become unsteady. As he got to the top of my thigh we were at his house and he stopped. We rushed into his house, both of us eager to start this deal. One thing lead to another and you can imagine what happened. It was about 4:00 and we were laying there on his bed catching our breathes. I got up and started putting on my clothes so I could go home. I could feel Joeys eyes on my every move. He soon got up and put on some clothes to drive me home since I didn't have a ride.

"Thanks for dropping me off." I gave him a small smile.

"Anytime babygirl. I'll see you tomorrow." He winked at me and I started to get out of the car. Before I stepped out he pulled me back and kissed me.

"Bye." I said

"Bye." He responded.

I walked into my house and went straight to my room. I laid there on my bed just staring at the ceiling, thinking. I could really get used to this friends with benefits thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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