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I wake up with dried blood under my nose. I was confused. "W-what happened?" I ask. "You killed him. How did you do that?" an old man in a cellar next to me asks. "I don't know. I just stared at him and then he flew across the room and hit the vending machine. I didn't mean for it to happen." I say, putting my hands over my head.

"I'm Old Man Popper. But, you can call me M.O.P. for short," he says. "Ok," I say. I tried not to giggle at his initials that spelled out the word mop. If you have no clue what a mop is, it's a thing you use to clean floors. I used one to clean the toilet one time. Bad decision. Never do that. "So, how long have you been in here?" I ask him while he sits on his bed. "Well, you see, everyone thought I was crazy and that I had magical mysterious powers that I could use to poison or curse people with. So, they threw me in here. 477 days." he says. I felt bad for the guy. Everyone thought he was scary, but he really wasn't. And 477 days is a long time.

He seemed super nice. He had a beard and mustache. His beard was a little grayish and blackish. "I've only been in here for a few days. I am getting out in less than a month." I say, looking at my hands. "What are you in for?" Old Man Popper asks. "I killed my sister's abusive alcoholic boyfriend. It was in self-defense. But, I'm still in here for another month." I say. "Wow. With those type of powers, I'm surprised they didn't send you to the Power of Youth Association," he says. "What's the Power of Youth Association?" I ask. "It's a horrible place for children with powers. Children ages 4-17 all go there. Poor kids. Never got to even say goodbye to their families or friends." he says. I might never see my family ever again, not that I have any left. Other than my uncle and aunt. But, as of right now they live in California.

"So what you're saying is I might get taken away and never see my family ever again?" I ask. The old man nods. I shake my head in disbelief. How can I be punished for something I didn't even know I had? Why is this world so cruel to children? The world needs to let children be children and not discriminate because of who they are or will become.

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