Yandere Genie

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" (Y/N)  go flip the sign on the door to open NOW," my older sister, Lyn, screamed at me. As I walk to the door to flip the sign I think of all the bad things that got me here.


" Lyn, please I need a job" I beg.

I had just gotten fired from my job at the hospital because the my boss wanted to hire his niece but had no space so he chose me to go saying, " (Y/N) listen my niece needs a job and" he takes a second to let out a tired sigh, " Your great and all but I can't afford to fire anyone else in your group so I'm letting you go, you have ten minutes to pack your stuff and leave your badge on the desk."

" You can't, I need this job please you can't".

" Lady you heard him, get out," a young pregnant women comes in the room and starts to push me out the door, " and I'll be taking this", as she reaches for my badge that I was holding and takes it, " like my uncle said, your not needed so scram" she sneers at me. Then the next thing I know I'm pushed out of the door and falling to the ground.

~~~~~~~~~ Time  Skip~~~~~~~~~

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

I reach into my pocket to grab my phone and see that my boyfriend, Rich, was calling me.

R: Babe

R: I need to talk to you

(Y/N): Love I'm not in the mood, I just need to think for a little bit right now

R: Look babe I don't know how to put this, but you have to leave

(Y/N): Leave?

R: You need to get your stuff out of the apartment

(Y/N): WHY

R: I'm breaking up with you, jeez are you that dense, I need your stuff out of here by tomorrow

(Y/N): We've been dating for three years why you want to end, especially
over PHONE

R: Let me break this down so you will understand

R: I

R: Need

R: You

R: Gone

R: By

R: Tomorrow


R: Because I've been cheating on you okay, she's pregnant now and she needs a place to stay, I can't just leave her and her child out on the street, you've got to understand

(Y/N): All I understand is that your a cheater and my stuff will be out tomorrow


I sit there on the park bench and start to cry.

" How could he do this to me, after all we been through" I hiccup to myself. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and I then look up to see an elderly women looking down at me. She smiles and then pulls something golden out of her bag and gives it to me.

" Here love, I want you to have it. I got it from a thrift store and used it only twice in my whole life. It's a magical lamp with a genie in it and no I'm not crazy, but I'm getting old and have nothing else to wish for. You have one wish, rub the lamp and be carefully on what you wish for because it will come through and maybe not how you thought" she thens starts to walk away.      ' What the hell' as I look at the lamp. I place the lamp in my bag and start to get u--.

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