Chapter 4-Christmas Stabbing

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Grayson and Liam were playing basketball and Liam won.It was my turn to play Grayson at horse. Then Jeremiah came over and told us he was the head of the prison and not to mess with him. Then he pulled out a knife and Grayson tried to talk sense into him but he told Grayson he better leave before he gets hurt too.Jeremiah told us this is what people get when they stand up to him. Then he stabbed me and Liam. Next thing I remember I woke up in my house and my mom calling me for breakfast. She made my favorite pb and j sandwich. She asked me what my plans were today and I told her I was going to see Jace. She said ok. Then I was at Jace's house and he was talking about eating all his goldfish . Then there was Hobo Barry telling me all about what is going to happen at the prison ,then I woke up and Grayson and Jayden were staring at me. I asked what had happened?  They told me that Jeremiah had stabbed Liam and I and that we had been out for three days. I told them about my dream and then I went to see Liam. When I arrived in his room Liam was sleep talking about Hobo Barry and some prophecy needed to be filled. Then he woke up screaming. I was next to him and said it's ok your here in the prison he calmed down and looked at me sheepishly. He apologized and asked what had happened. I told him that Jeremiah had stabbed us both for standing up to him. Liam was saying stuff about his dream and I told him about mine. It's like we are dreaming about the same stuff like umm.. twins! Then Officer Ryan told me the Warden wanted to talk to me. I knew this could not be any good.

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