Chapter 5-The Visitor

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I was walked up to the Warden's office,when Officer Ryan told me to be careful of him because the Warden can be quite abusive. I nodded and he let me in. The Warden was at his desk and told me I had a visitor! I wondered "who could it be?" He led me to the visitation center. It was my mom! She had come to visit me. My mom told me to sit down because she had to talk to me. She told me she was disappointed that her fifteen year old daughter was locked up! She also told me she and my dad are moving away as well as disowning ne because they cannot live with the fact of me living at a prison. I tried to explain the whole thing she yelled at me to shut up and that I was to no longer contact them or write letters. I was sobbing begging her to listen to me. She slapped me and said goodbye Lottie.(Charlotte is my real name.) My mom never hit me before and I was angry,sad,and alone. I had no family,no home,no anything. Liam was behind me he tapped me on the shoulder. He held out his arms and I hugged him. He told me everything will be ok and at that moment I felt  that Liam was my family. He told me I should go wash up and meet him downstairs in five minutes. I did as he told me and I met him at dinner. Zach was talking to them and told me we were going to escape tonight. I said I was not going. Zach screamed "why!" I told him it was because I have no family no where to go! Liam told me I could live with him and his family for a while. I said,"ok fine I will go." Everyone was happy. Tonight was the night we escaped Parkside Prison.

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