Chapter 6-The Escape

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It was dark. We all escaped from our cells. Zach told us to all stand far away. He lit something and I heard a sizzle. All the sudden the room went dark. I woke up when I realized someone was tapping me asking if I was ok. It was Liam he told me Zach used dynamite to blow up the floor because Hobo Barry once got locked up and escaped through the way we are escaping now. I jumped through the hole it smelt so bad. It was the sewers. We ran down through there till we got to a wall Zach yelled again,"stand back!" We all stood back and he blew up the wall we all ran down the narrow path in the wall. We saw the moon. "We are free!",we all screamed. Then we got kayaks and we were running toward the water and all of the sudden I had a piercing pain in my arm. I was shot. It hit a vein and was gushing. I was going in and out of consciousness. I was being lifted somewhere,then I heard Liam's voice. He told me I would be ok. Then I heard Liam scream,"No Grayson,!" Then I must've passed out because I don't remember anymore. Next thing I know I'm being splashed with water and Liam telling me to "Wake up!" I woke up and was very weak. He told me to  use him as a support to help me walk. Then Zach told me to stay behind Liam said he was staying too. But I told him,"Go on I can stand by myself." He left. Zach told me he was leaving to find Hobo Barry because he could help us more than anyone else can. I said,"Ok." He left. I went walking back and Victoria was crying.I asked what had happened. They said," A girl told us to meet her at the docks in thirty minutes and then she took Jayden with her!" I said,"Ok we will get Jayden back but right now we need to get changed out of these orange jumpsuits from the prison. They agreed. We went to Katie's house and she gave us all clothes.Liam and I wore the same thing. She said,"Aww look twins." She knows Liam and I hate that. And then we went heading toward the docks. We were searching I found nothing. Then I heard Liam yelling at someone. I went toward his voice and the girl who looked like me was there. Then she said something. Two men tall and strong looking came and then they triggered me. She was making fun of how my family left me. Then a gun was pointed at my head. It was Liam's identical framer. I used a move Officer Ryan showed me and he went unconscious. Then officer Maverick asked why there were two of us. I told him and he arrested those people. We were brought to court and the judge said we were all innocent and that 5he real culprits will be arrested,but since we broke out of prison we were to still be punished. He said we were sentenced to three weeks to trash duty and cleaning the courthouse with the high officer,Officer Maverick.

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