Chapter 7-Our First Day of School

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We were at the front door. I told everyone nobody could know we were at prison. Everyone agreed. I was excited to be outside of prison and at a new school. We walked in eveyone stared at us like we were some kind of freaks. Then the bell rang. We went to our class. Liam and I have chemistry together. We were in class and a kid named Mouse was complaining about the teacher. The teacher then made him be the demonstration of the class. He was embarrassed and upset. After class we talked to him. He told us his name was mouse,he seemed pretty cool. At lunch Alyssa and Victoria sat with some cheerleaders and Liam and Jayden sat with some football players and I sat by myself because I didn't wanna intrude. Liam called me over and he introduced me to his friends. Liam acted all weird but I went along with it. Finally lunch was over. Our last period finally came and we had it together. We had gym and it didn't go so well. Liam and Jayden got beat up playing basketball by the football players.Well I guess we learned who to stay away from. I can't wait till tomorrow and hopefully it will be better than today. After school Liam and I went inside our house and had a snack and watched marvel movies. Liam and I live together,since I had no where else to go. He is so kind to me. Hopefully school will be better tomorrow we both said and there we fell asleep on the couch,waiting for school tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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