Party time

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A/N: I like two ways or writing so excuse me in advance if I be switching it up lol 😂 😅.

A/N: I like two ways or writing so excuse me in advance if I be switching it up lol 😂 😅

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Tamika's POV-

I pulled up across the street from my friends house to park. I grab my things out the backseat and locked the door. I looked left and right before crossing the street to her house. I hit the buzzer on the side wall to call up to Liz. Soon I heard her voice on the intercom.

"Who is it?" She replied "girrrrrl let me in I got major tea to pour in the mf cup" I stated "oowee I love gossip hurry in here chica" buzzed in I go through the first set of doors and see Liz running to unlock the second door to her beautiful brownstone home. Her family had major money. They owed a few wine vineyard in Mexico. They invested in other things too and that's why she could afford a multi million dollar home in New York as a single woman.
As soon as I walked in I drop my bags on the floor pulled her over to the couch and started talking.
"Omg girl you will not and I MEAN not believe what happened to me at work after we ended our group text" I exclaimed my heart was still kind of racing. "What girl what spill it already" she said impatiently " uh uh hold the hell up I know you bitches ain't gossiping without me" we both turned to see chantel in the door way with two large bags of stuff from the liquor store. "Damn I know you don't think I'm drinking all that shit" I said "naw we all 3 of us are duh" she said so sure of herself I shook my head uh uh "I'm not as young as I use to be and I can't bounce back from sloppy drunken nights like I use to" Liz add to what I said to " right plus I like to keep all my organs and love to see another day thank you very much" she said snapping her fingers and rolling her neck I laughed out loud and just gave chantel a smirk before speaking again "looks like your the only one getting white girl wasted hun" I mocked " uh uh you know what y'all ain't right but it's cool I know we are getting tips though before we leave this crib" she protested "ok ok just come in here and close the door I GOTTA tell y'all what happened to be" I squealed in excitement she does and flops on the couch

 "Damn I know you don't think I'm drinking all that shit" I said "naw we all 3 of us are duh" she said so sure of herself I shook my head uh uh "I'm not as young as I use to be and I can't bounce back from sloppy drunken nights like I use to" Liz ...

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"So out of all my little crushes you know it's one celebrity I'm totally in serious like with right now and he can totally get the business" I said trying not to show all my pearly whites "it bet not be your sorry ex you got us over here in anticipation about and if so I don't want to hear I-" chantel gco by Liz " naw this is Mr.Big time I know from that twinkle in her eye... heffa is is Michael B. Jordan?!?" "YES" I practically screamed in excitement "omg girl destiny brought you face to face so you didn't have to be a stalker" chantel jokes " oh haha very funny I wouldn't stal-" I thought about my answer then stated " ok maybe I would make a chance meeting but not full on stalker I got class" you all laughed out loud "ok ok so what happened" Liz asked " well he came in on his cellphone talking and had a cap on so I couldn't tell who it was just whoever it was built and had a sexy body" I exclaimed "shit that should have been the giveaway " chantel started " it should've honestly but I was really ready to go and my mind was ready to clock out from work and rush here he'll I should have recognized his voice " "after he hung up and looked at me I swear I wanted to stop breathing he is even more handsome up close than my most vivid wet dream ever could be" I blushed "ugh tmi but keep going " Liz said laughing " so I stayed calm and acted like I didn't know him and treat him like a regular person moving into the building" " so you telling me that fine ass man is going to be living in the same building as you" chantel asked " well I don't move into the building until my lease is up where I'm at now you know that" I stated " you know what she's implying girl stop playing, you are going to be practically around your celebrity crush more than you could've ever dreamed to be" Liz stated " I know but that's not the best part" " oh lord lay it on us then" chantel urged me on " He was flirting with me I mean I wasn't sure at first but once he kept making attempts all I can think about Was is this a dream is Michael bae Jordan making passes at me" "girrrrlll" they both said at the same time "I know I know well then he flat out asked if I knew who he was when we was in the long ass elevator to his floor."  I said "so did you tell him you know who he was" Liz asked " yeah I even called him by his fan name Michael bae Jordan, girls he was going to holding small convo then kissed my hand and all I could think was don't jump him in the elevator" I frantically said "so we get in his place which by the way is gorgeous and already decorated , I give him the move in speak that seemed to get him hot and bothered " I lol'd "I notice that I had like five minutes till clock out and started to get ready to leave and he pins me against the counter" I stated "he didn't you lyin" chantel said in shock with her mouth open with a slight grin "oh it gets better, he then proceeds to tell me how my speech made him all bothered and that I was leaving him hanging if I just up and left him. He had one arm wrapped around me waist and the other caressing my thigh AND was kissing my neck" the memory itself made me start to get wet "that's hot chica so what happened next" Liz asked smirking " he then asked why I was rush off and that it would be worth the OT  if I stayed, I told him my girls and I have plans to go out tonig-" gco by chantel "hold up hold UP you didn't curve that man for us did you and if so damn I don't know if I would for y'all two heffas if I was with my dream man" "she's right idk if I'd have been able to just leave so quickly" Liz added " well I did get his number and got a little payback before leaving" I said " payback?" Liz asked "yeah he was all up on me and got me hot and bothered so I made him walk me tho the elevator and felt him up from and to his dick and tried to dip real quick" I giggled "it didn't work too well or I guess it did a little bit better than I wanted, he attacked me with kisses and.." I said trailing off "bitch don't do us finish what else I know theirs more" chantel stated "your right I just feel a little bit embarrassed that I let him finger me in the elevator while being recorded" I said their mouths dropped open "damn Gina" Liza joked "I guess that 6 month drought had you ready and willing haha" chantel chuckled "I mean us latinas are know for securing the D quick but damn Tamika" Liz said " I know and afterwards I get the footage removed from the camera I told him to be continued and left feeling a little bit dirty but happy, he could practically read my mind and said to not over think it we are grown and that was it" I finished my elaborate story " well well well of mr Jordan is coming out tonight we definitely need to get lit and look fly af" chantel said sticking her tongue out. "So where are we going to tonight? I gotta let him know" I said " we are going to club passion" Liz stated " okay cool let's get ready and I'll let him know after we leave the house" I said we all take a shower, do hair and makeup and get dressed within a few hours and the last hour was us goofing off dancing and drinking. We leave Liz crib around 10:45pm and Get in her Range Rover.

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