ants invasion

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a/n: this is gonna be the weirdest thing i've written thusfar

it started as a bad habit. collecting ants was just something to do in his free time, however adam seemed to realize he didn't really have a purpose for it and wasn't even sure why he did this. in this jar, he collects all kinds of ants- and has been bitten by some. it seemed to bring him some sort of joy or some kind of... reassurance that that's his identity. adam ant.

the jar isnt too big nor too small, but rather a decent size to collect a decent amount of ants. adam claims to use this particular jar as it keeps him at a good limit for amount of ants he can store.

you may think: "oh, this is kinda cute. a kid collecting ants haha." no. he's a grown man. and his habit is much, much worse than just collecting the ants.

it all really started on a restless night for adam. the jar of ants was nearly full and he had no clue what to do with it. he couldn't stop thinking about the ants...

he thought about how they look up close

how they can carry such heavy objects

how they crawl

and how ticklish they must feel...

the odd idea of the sensation sent a shiver down his back as he layed in bed in his cold london apartment. it kept picking at him, making adam want to.. try something.

he couldn't take the restlessness anymore or the idiotic thought of putting ants on himself to satisfy a weird, previously unknown desire. but it was almost as if the jar of ants was begging to be released on him.

adam didnt bother turning on the lights. he would feel too much shame for some reason. slowly and hesitantly he took the jar of ants from under his bed and held it up to the natural moonlight shining in through the window.

he was proud of his collection. too proud, some would say. it was a silly thing to partake in, and he knows it, but he just cant help it. he twisted the lid off of the jar with tiny holes in the top.

he wasnt exactly sure how he'd do this as, you know, ants are pretty small. he watched them crawl around for a minute before deciding to sit on the floor. he then proceeded to gently tip some of the ants from the jar into his hands and let them crawl along his arm. and boy, did they sure tickle.

not completely satisfied yet, he put a few more ants on his other arm... then his legs...

he could feel them all over his body and felt like they were almost communicating with him; telling him they were happy to be free on him.

adam took joy in this. his entire body was crawling with ants and he couldn't be happier.

however... he ended up feeling a few in some places there really shouldnt be ants. but he ended up enjoying that the most.

and that's when this all stemmed into something it was never meant to be.

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