4. Prove Yourself

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"Come on, Yugyeom. Let's go to my- excuse me. OUR home now." Jinyoung said. Yugyeom had a smile on his face.

"You're never gonna give up." Yugyeom said and rolled his eyes, still smiling. Jinyoung nodded and grabbed Yugyeom's right hand.

"Yugyeom?!" another voice yelled. Yugyeom sighed and stopped walking. He didn't move away from Jinyoung this time. A girl with long brown hair and bangs ran in front of the two. She stopped and tried to get her breath.

"Damn. Alright. Now that I have your attention, I'm Lisa. Do you want to marry me? Answer the question seriously." Lisa said. Yugyeom stood there staring at Lisa.

"I don't." Yugyeom said. Lisa nodded with a smile.

"Good!! I have a girlfriend and I love her dearly, so.." Lisa responded. Yugyeom slowly nodded while Jinyoung was smiling a little the whole time.

"How am I gonna believe that?" Yugyeom asked curiously. Lisa smiled.

"She's supposed to be here. I'm supposed to tell her the news..." Lisa said and looked down. About that time, a girl ran in our direction screeching Lisa's name.

"Babe. I freaking missed you!" the girl yelled and hugged Lisa. Lisa smiled and the girl kissed her on the lips.

"I missed you too. But, I have to tell you something." Lisa said and sat down. Her girlfriend sat down next to her while Jinyoung and Yugyeom sat in front of the two. Lisa finally noticed the two boys.

"Are yo- wait.. Why are you two holding hands? Oh my god.. Are you dating?!" the girl screeched. Jinyoung and Yugyeom looked at their hands, each other, then the girl.

"Jisoo! Quiet!" Lisa whisper-yelled. Jisoo smiled and apologized. Jinyoung took out his phone and started typing with one hand.


Are we dating??...

Do you want to? We could get to know each other more if we do.


Jinyoung looked up from his phone with a smile. He nodded and leaned toward Yugyeom, kissing his cheek. Yugyeom smiled a giggled. He turned to Jinyoung and kissed his lips. Jisoo gasped.

"Oh. My. God. So cute!" Jisoo and Lisa screeched at the same time. The new couple smiled and laughed.

"Thank you." Yugyeom smiled at the two. "You two are cute together as well." Yugyeom said and the two girls blushed at that.

"Well... Jisoo... I'm... Going to be in an arranged marriage..." Lisa said and a tear suddenly left her eyes. Jisoo looked at her shocked.

"What?" Jisoo asked in disbelief. Lisa slowly ndded.

"With who?" Jisoo asked without any emotions displayed on her facial features.

"Yugyeom." Lisa said and pointed at Yugyeom. Jisoo sighed and hugged Lisa. Lisa started crying.

"D-don't Leave me.." Lisa said. Jisoo shook her head.

"I'm not leaving. The two of them are dating. We'll figure this out. Okay?" Jisoo asked. Everyone nodded from agreement. Jinyoung's phone started going off. He looked at the name and got up, walking away. Lisa slowly stood up and followed him too.

"Lisa?!" Jisoo and Yugyeom yelled. Lisa put her finger over lips. She took her phone out and recorded Jinyoung's conversation with the person. Lisa knew something was up. She could feel it and if she felt it, she was always right. Lisa ran back to there place when Jinyoung hung up the phone.

"I'll show you it later." Lisa whispered. Yugyeom nodded confused.

"Show him what?" Jinyoung asked, scaring Lisa, with a smiled though they could all tell it was fake.

"A photo I found..." Lisa said. Jinyoung nodded and looked down. Yugyeom saw him smirk though he didn't mean for anyone to see it. Jinyoung reached for Yugyeom's hand. But, Yugyeom moved his hand back. Jinyoung looked at him confused.

"Why did you move your hand back?" Jinyoung asked confused.

"Who called you??" Yugyeom asked with a glare. Jinyoung's eyes went wide for a small second.

"My father." Jinyoung said and handed his phone to Yugyeom. Yugyeom went through his phone and saw the contact lasted called was "Father". Yugyeom nodded and merimerized the number.

His own phone went off and he looked at the number, seeing Jinyoung's "Father". He answered it.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Don't forget or your mother dies." the voice said. It sounded like his own father. Yugyeom looked at Lisa and stood up. Jinyoung and Jisoo did to. Yugyeom turned toward Jinyoung coldly.

"Fuck you, you lying piece of shit." Yugyeom said and glared harder. Jinyoung looked confused.

"What did I do? I didn't lie about anything." Jinyoung asked confused.

"Your father's number is my father's number. Like, really?" Yugyeom said and started walking away. Jinyoung freaked out and back hugged Yugyeom while he started to cry.

"I-I'm sorry.. H-he threatened me... I had t-to do it. But, I didn't t-think I'd fall in l-love with y-you.. I love you." Jinyoung stuttered out. Yugyeom sighed.

"Then prove it. I'll talk to you when you prove it." Yugyeom said and took Jinyoung's arms from around his waist. Jinyoung fell on the ground crying. He settle down after a minute or so so he could say something.

"I-I'll try everything to prove to you I love you.." Jinyoung said. Yugyeom nodded. Yugyeom hasn't even looked at Jinyoung, knowing that if he did he'd forgive him instintly. Yugyeom walked away from Jinyoung while the two girls followed him.

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