5. Proved Myself

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Jinyoung was still thinking of everything to try to prove to Yugyeom that he loves him. But, he couldn't think of anything. But, suddenly, Jinyoung shot up from his desk and got dressed. One way or another, he'll prove his love to Yugyeom.


"Hello, Jinyoung. How is the job going?" Yugyeom's father asked. Jinyoung sighed and sat down.

"Bad," Jinyoung said bluntly and secretly glared at Yugyeom's father.

"Why is it going bad?" Yugyeom's father asked again.

"Because, Kane... I realized that I can't do this to someone. I can't force them to see someone they don't-"

"I don't give a shit!" Kane yelled. Jinyoung didn't flinch a bit. Kane got up and stormed toward Jinyoung. Jinyoung just smirked. This is what he wanted. Kane to throw a punch. I'd be assault and he'd go to jail as the police could hear everything going on in the room.

"I want Yugyeom and his mother dead one way or another. Hell! I'll do it myself!" Kane yelled and grabbed a gun. He pointed it toward Jinyoung and clicked the safety off.

"The police are supposed to barge in!" Jinyoung though as Kane smile evilly. Were the police gonna save him or not? Jinyoung took in a deep breath as he shot the gun off twice.


"Hey, Yugyeom?" Lisa asked as they were just laziying around Lisa's place. Yugyeom looked up at Lisa with a small smile.

"Yes?" Yugyeom asked. Lisa lifted his phone up that was on the coffee table to show it was silently ringing. Yugyeom grabbed it and answered it.

"Hello?.... Oh.... T-t-thank y-you.. B-bye.." Yugyeom said. He threw his phone down and stared at the ground.


"In here..." Jisoo said and pointed to a hospital room. Yugyeom stared at the door. He slowly walked toward it and Lisa opened it for him. Yugyeom covered his mouth and continued walking in the room. Lisa and Jisoo left the hospital to give the two space.

"Jinyoung doesn't deserve to be laying here... It's my fault." Yugyeom thought and sat on the chair beside the bed. Jinyoung was still asleep. The only noise in the room was the two's breathing and the machine to show his heartbeat. Yugyeom looked at Jinyoung's pale hand and took it in his own. Jinyoung's hand flinch as yugyeom looked up at Jinyoung's face. His eyes opened wide.

"W-wha- oh.." Jinyoung said as he still hadn't noticed Yugyeom. Jinyoung looked around the room and his eyes meet Yugueom's.

"Yugyeom?" Jinyoung asked soft and slowly. Yugyeom slowly smiled as tears fell down his face.

"I don't know you that well yet I feel like I've know you for a long time..." Yugyeom said. He put his head down on the bed. Jinyoung slowly moved his arm and put his hand on Yugyeom's head. Jinyoung played with Yugyeom's hair. After a few, Jinyoung noticed that Yugyeom's breathing slowed down.

"I love you..." Jinyoung moved Yugyeom's head so his face wasn't in the covers suffocating him. "I even risked my life for you and your mom..." Jinyoung said softly and smiled. Yugyeom smiled in his sleep.


Jinyoung got shot in the left arm and the left leg. The police came in afterward and grabbed Kane, putting him in custody for almost killing Jinyoung as he shot close to his heart.

Jinyoung lost a lot of blood. But, he had enough that he lived and is still quite healthy.


Yugyeom's dream

"Come on, Jinyoung!" Yugyeom yelled happily. Jinyoung smiled and ran up to Yugyeom. They walked around for hours, just enjoying the wilderness and each other's presence.

"Yugyeom?" Yugyeom turned to Jinyoung as Jinyoung got on one knee. "Will you-" and there was a loud bang. Yugyeom dropped beside Jinyoung and held him close. Yugyeom knew it was to late.

Yugyeom looked at the thing Jinyoung had in his hand. It was a blue box. He opened it and saw a beautiful ring that had "Pepigyeom forever" on the inside of the ring while the rest was a simple ring with hearts on it. He cried for the longest time. He took the ring and put it on his own finger while Jinyoung had a ring just like it on his middle finger. Yugyeom carefully took it off Jinyoung's middle finger and put it on Jinyoung's ring finger.


Yugyeom gasped and jumped up.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong??" Jinyoung asked sadly. He didn't expect that dream to happen. Then again, dreams come with a surprise. But, that was a nightmare.

Yugyeom looked at Jinyoung with wide eyes. Yugyeom signed and calmed down.

"T-this might be weird... But... If we had a ship name, what would it be?" Yugyeom asked. Jinyoung kinda smiled and thought for a minute.

"Jingyeom. Why?" Jinyoung said. Yugyeom smiled.

"Just- you know- nothing." Yugyeom said and looked at Jinyoung's hand. He smiled and grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry..." Yugyeom whispered. Jinyoung squeezed Yugyeom's hand lightly and smiled.

"It's fine. By the way, your mother is fine. I made sure of that." he said.

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