No Safe Quarter

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Day – 0

It should have been impossible. He knew that. If his apprentice had gone missing on a mission that would be one thing, but to go missing from the Temple? It was not only unheard of, it should not have been possible.

Qui-Gon had checked the gardens, the training salles, even the Healer's Ward, a place Obi-Wan would never have entered voluntarily, and found nothing. He had visited the masters of his apprentice's closest friends, Bant, Garen, Reeft and Quinlan. None of them had seen him.

Now, Qui-Gon stood before another master's apartment door, but this time he found himself hesitating. He closed his eyes, tightened his shields, and tamped down the panic trying to gain a foothold in the pit of his stomach. He pushed the door chime and waited. He did not wait long. The door slid open and there stood another Jedi. He was as tall as Qui-Gon, but his skin was deep russet and his head was bald.

"Qui-Gon," Master Windu greeted pleasantly, but then he noticed the subtle waves of anxiety rolling off his friend's Force signature. "What has happened?"

"Obi-Wan is missing," he answered flatly. Windu stepped aside allowing Qui-Gon entry into his quarters.

"I'm starting to worry, Mace," Qui-Gon said as he took a seat on the couch. Master Windu closed the door then took a seat across from his distraught agemate. Windu leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. Qui-Gon absently carded his long, dark bistre locks before speaking. Mace waited patiently for the other Jedi to collect his thoughts.

"He was in a fight earlier today and I left him in our quarters to meditate on his actions and his punishment. When I returned, he was gone," Qui-Gon paused to clear the small catch he felt form in his throat. "It is not like him to disobey me. I have checked with his friends and with the Healers. No one has seen him."

"And your bond?"

"Is completely silent. I feel nothing from him," Qui-Gon answered. Mace's brow furrowed and his characteristic frown returned to his face. After a few moments thought, Mace stood and crossed to the comm. panel.

"Temple security."

"Master Lo-Cha," Mace said in greeting. The Iktotchi Jedi on the screen nodded in deference to the Council member.

"How may I be of service, Master Windu?"

"We have a missing padawan. Kenobi. I want you to organize some knights to search the Temple grounds. The child may be unconscious or injured. Also, his master and I will need to see the security footage outside the Jinn/Kenobi apartment starting from..." Mace paused as he turned to Qui-Gon.

"1500 hours," he supplied. Mace turned back to the comm. screen.

"1500 hours," he answered. "We will join you shortly."

"I will start immediately, Master," Lo-Cha noded then he terminated the link. Mace paused silently by the comm. panel before turning around.

"I think we should alert Master Yoda," he said. Qui-Gon gave no verbal response only a curt nod before returning his chin to its position of rest on his interlaced fingers. Mace eyed his long time friend for a moment more before turning back to the comm. panel.

"Master Yoda."

"A problem there is. A disturbance I have felt," the wizened Jedi stated rather than asked. Mace nodded grimly.

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