III. gamenight

626 19 11

friday, 3 January
For Eddie it wasn't hard for him to accept that he had a crush on a boy. He was comfortable with his sexuality (which is pansexual). But, on the other hand, Richie was struggling. The only time he'd expressed 'feelings' for the same gender was when he kissed Bill on the cheek in kindergarten. Now, his whole world, his whole entire life, the person he thought he was, was swept away like a pebble in a flood. He felt lost. The person that everyone knew as Richie Tozier was so different than the one he knew himself.
Richie knew he couldn't play into his thoughts at the moment, he had to get in the right mindset for his football game. After he went home to grab his cleats and gear, Richie headed to the field early to practice some routes- mainly to get his mind off Eddie.
Meanwhile, Eddie was in his room searching through all his clothes for the best 'cool guy-football game' type look. As he searched he couldn't help but laugh at himself... he was acting like a 6th grade girl who wants to impress her crush. Finally, he chose his favourite pair of light faded blue denim jeans, a pale yellow t-shirt and black high top converse. Once Eddie made the final touches on his hair, brushed his teeth, sprayed some cologne, and rolled up the bottom of his jeans, he checked his phone for the time.
6:15... oh shit!!! I'm gonna be late!
He flew down the stairs shouting a quick 'goodbye, love you!' to his mom and hopped on his bike.
     By the time he arrived at the football field, the game had already started. Eddie wandered around trying to find a place to sit. First he sat alone near the edge of the bleachers scanning the stands for any sort of familiar face, then trying to find Richie on the field. He didn't know very much about football as sports never really appealed to him. So, Eddie sat alone for the first quarter transfixed on figuring out what the actual hell was happening on the field. But he played along, clapping and cheering when everyone else did. Especially when he finally spotted Richie throwing the ball to a teammate who ran it in for a touchdown.
  Around halftime, Bill was strolling to the concession stand and spotted Eddie.
"H-hey Eddie!" Bill called.
"Oh hey, Bill! How's it going?"
"Pretty g-good. Just goin t-to get some sn-snacks. Wanna come?"
"Sure" Eddie hopped up from his seat and followed Bill.
For the rest of the game Eddie hung out with the Losers who all were generous enough to explain what was happening to the clueless boy. Every now and then Eddie would zone out staring at Richie, with a slight lovesick expression plastered to his face. He hoped none of them noticed but at the same time he didn't give a fuck.
After the game was over all the Losers (and Eddie) went down to the field to congratulate Richie on winning.
"Eds, you made it!" Richie exclaimed, ruffling the smaller boy's hair with his sweaty hand.
"Sure did" Eddie smiled swatting his hand away  "and stop calling me that, oh my god!"
"Mhmm" he snickered in response "y'all down to get icecream?"
"Only if you change out of those stinky ass clothes first, Tozier!" Beverly badgered.
"Alright, ya wanna come with?" Richie winked at the redhead playfully.
"Fuck off" Beverly laughed, lightly punching his arm as he walked off towards the locker room. Eddie's face flushed with jealousy, resentfully stifling out a laugh to cover up the look on his face. What the hell was I thinking, of course he's not gay!!! he scolded himself.
All the Losers began to make their way to the parking lot, piling in their cars.
"Hey, Eds do you need a ride?" Richie offered as he opened the door to his black and white 1979 Ford truck.
"Oh um, I came on my bike so I guess I could just ride over to the icecream place."
"Hm" he looked at the boy then at his bike "why the fuck would I let you ride alone in the dark? We'll just put your bike in the bed of my truck!" Richie walked over and lifted the bike into his truck with ease. Eddie thanked him while marveling at how skinny of a boy could have such muscles. Then Richie went and opened the passenger door.
"Ready spaghetti?" he asked with a genuine smile taking over his face.
"Yep" Eddie rolled his eyes "and would you just use my damn name for once, pleaseeee?" he dragged out while hopping in the passenger seat.
"Alright Edward." Richie stated with a plain look on his face before cracking up. The two boys rode to the icecream shop with the all windows down and Nirvana (Richie's favourite band) blasting through the speakers. Even though Eddie was sure Richie didn't take interest in boys he couldn't help himself- the way the wind messed with his curls, the way he sang along to every song, the way he just was, drove him crazy.
Once all the Losers met up at the shop they went to place their orders.
"Shit!! I don't have my wallet.." Eddie grunted.
"I-I can pay for you, if you w-want" Bill offered.
"Don't worry about it, I've got it" Richie interjected, handing Eddie a $5.
"Thanks! I'll pay you back on Monday at school." he said with a grateful smile.
"No need, Eddie." The lanky boy looked down at him, also smiling. In the background Beverly and Stan were watching Richie and Eddie.
"Huh" Bev nudged Stan "would you get a load of those two?" she whisper laughed.
"Lovebirds I guess" he whispered back smirking.
"Oooo Richie, Richie, Richie!!!" Bev taunted, flicking her eyes to Eddie then back to Richie with a wink.
"Again... fuck off Beaverly!" he flipped her off.
"Geez Bev, was that necessary?" Stan scolded defensively "What if he really likes him? We don't want to make him uncomfortable."
"Damn, sorry" she huffed, licking at her melting icecream cone. After everyone finished their icecream, the group started to dwindle away until the only ones left were Richie, Eddie and Bev. Despite being a complete trashmouth, Richie was definitely a helpless flirt. Even if he isn't trying or doesn't mean it at all, he still seems like he's flirting. So, for Eddie, trying to decide if Richie was being serious with all his actions towards Bev was extremely challenging. Every now and then Richie would make a flirtatious move or comment directed at Eddie but it was mainly mixed signals. Once Bev left, the two boys loaded into the truck.
"Hey you have my phone number right?" Richie asked.
"Yea, you wrote it on my hand." Eddie wasn't in so great of a mood at the time since 'Richie likes Bev' and 'I'm wasting my time... it's past my damn bedtime anyway' - his thoughts were weighing down the joyful expression that usually is on his face.
"Everything alright?" Richie could already read Eddie like a book, most of the time.
"Yea I'm just ready to go to bed. I'm tired."
"Alrighty then... yknow, we should do something like this again..." he trailed.
"Do what?" Eddie inquired, a little too much excitement on his voice.
"Hang out, or somethin" Richie looked down, he could feel his emotions for the boy growing stronger, bubbling up into his throat. He wanted to spew out everything he was thinking, but as soon as he was about to start they arrived at the Kaspbrak residence.
"Thanks for the ride, I'll text you later!"
"No problem Eds! Tell your mom I'll be by in an hour or so!" he snickered.
"Jesus Christ, Richie" Eddie rolled his eyes and unlocked the door to his house. Once Richie saw that Eddie was safely inside he drove away with a lovesick grin painted onto his face.

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