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Zach's POV

I watched as this absolutely gorgeous girl looked around confused and needing help.
"Uh hi, I'm Zach" you said putting your hand out in front of her
She took your hand and said "hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you"
"You too! I've never seen you here before, are you new?" I asked "yes I am and I have know idea where I'm going"
"May I see what class you have next?"
"Sure" she said
"Let's see, you have math next with mrs. cram. So you would need to go around the cafeteria to the water fountain and make 2 rights and she should be right there." I explained
"Thank god you helped me, thank you I really appreciate it"
"Sure thing, well I will see around!"
"For sure, bye Zach" she said
"Bye Y/N"
I started walking away from her but then stopped to turn to make sure she was going the right way. she wasn't. I was about to go tell her but then all my boys showed at started yelling to me. This made Y/N turn her head to see what was going on.
She smiled at me.....I smiled back
I turned my head by the sound of boys yelling to my new, well I guess new friend Zach. He smiled at me. His smile was flawless, he was flawless

Later that day you asked the teacher if you could use the bathroom, he allowed you too
As you were walking around trying to find it you saw Zach and another guy messing around in the hallway.
"Hey Y/N" Zach yelled pretty loud down the hall
He ran to you with the other boy
"Hi" you say quietly
"Y/N this is Jonah,  jonah this is Y/N" he explained
"Hi Jonah, nice to meet you" you wave a little wave
"Hello" he had a smile on his face but then turned to Zach with the look say "dude she's hot"
Zach nodded knowing what Jonah was implying too
"So Y/N, are you doing anything after school?" Zach asked "no I don't think so, why what's up?" You say
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me, Jonah and some other boys after school"
Your stomach was in butterflies
"Yeah I'd love too" you say
"Great! I will come and find you at the end of the day"
"Ok, well I'm gonna go but see you later" you say
"Ok bye" they both said together

It was the end of the day and he hadn't seen Zach yet but then a boy with brown hair and blue eyes came up to you
"Hi, are you Y/N?" He questioned
"Um yeah" you say kinda of blushing because he was kinda cute
"Finally, I've been looking for you for like 10 minutes. Zach sent me to come and get you"
"Oh ok"
"I'm daniel" he says with such a smile on his face "do need help carrying anything" he asked
"Uh no I think I'm good but thank you" you say
Daniel walked with you to Zach and you assumed he was gonna he one of the boys that was also coming with you, him and Jonah.
"Y/N!!" You hear Zach say and you turn around to see his face but couldn't because he had picked you up in a hug.
You laughed "hi Zach!"
"So you guys ready to go?" Zach asked
"Yep" me and Daniel both said

You had gotten to Zach's house about 10 minutes after leaving the school. Daniel grabbed your stuff insisting on bringing it inside for you. You didn't want to argue with him so you let him take it.
Right as you were getting out of the car Zach had pulled you into a hug and he was staring at Daniel with the "she's mine" look in his eyes
Daniel got the message and walked inside
You heard yelling coming from inside Zach's house not knowing what it was but obviously Zach did cause he started laughing
"What is that?" You look at him asking
"It's just Jonah and corbyn arguing over the tv remote" he laughed
"Oh. Who's corbyn?" You ask
"He's another friend that's gonna hang with us and there's one more his name is jack" he explained
"Oh ok" you say kinda shocked by how many were here
You walked inside Zach's house and it was big like humongous
"Wow, your house is beautiful" he say
You felt him looking at. It was like he was studying everything about you
"Not as beautiful as you" he says softly
You start blushing and turned to face him with a small smile on your face
"Awwww" you hear from the 4 boys looking at you and Zach
Later all the boys had went home and it was just you and Zach
"Hey I better be getting home before my mom kills me for being out past 10" you say
"Ok, let me drive you" Zach offered
You nodded and put your shoes and sweatshirt on

You arrived home
You were about to get out be Zach stopped you telling you to wait as he jumped out and opened the door for you. You had a big smile on your face while thinking how amazing this boy is
"Here you go gorgeous" he said
"Thank you" you laughed "I had a great time tonight, thanks for inviting me to come"
"Of course, can I tell you something" he says
"Yeah what's up"
"I think you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen before and I like you a lot. I'm sure you knew that though because the guys wouldn't stop making fun of me tonight" he smiled
"I kinda had the feeling. I like you too" you say
He looked at you studying your face once more. Before you knew it you guys were kissing and it was the most magical thing ever
Who knew that this would be the first of many kisses

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