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y/n's POV

I walked down the stairs in the dark house going to the kitchen to get a drink. I was having a hard to sleeping because all I could think about was him. Daniel. Daniel Seavey. The most popular guy in school. The most talented guy in school. My bestfriend brother. My crush.
I know what you're thinking, how could I like my bestfriends brother? Well I don't know. I don't want to feel this way about him. But I can't help myself. I think I'm falling for him. Maybe..

As I find my way to the Seavey's kitchen, I heard a noise that jumped the shit out of me. Don't get me wrong I love having sleep overs with Anna but this big house is kinda scary when it's night time.
After a couple of seconds I didn't hear anything so I continued what I was doing.
As I was pouring the water in my glass, I heard the front door open. I stopped what I was doing and slowly made my way over to the pots and pans. I grabbed a pan and slowly walked to the door. I was literally shitting myself right now. What if they kill me. Oh fuck. Ok I can do this.
I turned the corner very quickly and held the pan up, ready to hit whatever was in front of me.
"Woah woah woah" I heard come from the voice that kills me. I immediately put the pan down and take a deep breath.
"Oh my, I'm sorry. I was just getting some water and then I heard the door open, so I got scared because it could've been a killer but it's not it's just you and oh my god.....I'm so sorry Daniel if I would've known it was yo-"
"Y/n it's ok, I probably would've done the same" Daniel says cutting me off. "Still I'm sorry." I say so embarrassed with myself. "Don't be" he says with a small but cute smile. I smile back and go to the kitchen. Seconds later Daniel comes and sits in front of me at the counter.
"Hey, what are you doing up so late?" He questions
"I couldn't sleep" I simply say
"Oh...did he have a bad dream or something?"
"Um something like that" I say trying to hide the sarcasm in my tone. "What about you, why are you now just getting home?" I say changing the subject.
"I was at Jonah Marais's party" he says taking a sip of the drink he just poured himself.
"How was it?" I asked. "It was kinda boring, I mean I had fun but I'm kinda sick of having everyone all over me." He says looking out the window.
"Really, you would think being the most popular guy in school is amazing. I mean no one knows who I am but you, everyone knows who you are and everyone loves you. I wish I could be notice by someone instead of being someone who notices others." I say looking down kinda embarrassed with myself.
"I notice you" he says turning so he's looking right at me. "You only notice me because I'm Anna's bestfriend" I say looking at him
"That's not true" he says standing up and walking over to me "I always notice you...everyday at school I walk in and look at the round table in the middle of the room and see you sitting there talking to someone with a beautiful smile on your face. I notice you walking around in the halls in school looking at all the pictures and bulletin boards up on the walls that no one looks at but you. I notice you when it's lunch time go find Anna to ask her if she wants to go get food some where other then at school because you hate the food there. I notice that every time you come over, you get up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water and you just sit at the counter staring out the window or your lost in thought looking at something in the kitchen. So don't tell me that I don't notice you y/n y/l/n because that's all I do is notice you." He says standing so close I can feel his hot breath on my face. My heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I can't breathe.
"Danie-" I get cut of by a soft pair of lips on mine. It took me a second to realize what was happening but when I did I immediately kissed back.
After what felt like forever, we break the kiss and look into each other's eyes. "I love you" is all I heard from the boy that I fell madly in love with from the first time I saw him.
"I love you too"

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