Chapter Four: I'm so tired and is that so wrong

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Eren's POV

(Trigger Warning)

I wake up early the next morning in complete agony. I cry as I remember the nightmares. All the physical and mental pain is too much right now. I frantically search for it. I find what I'm looking for seconds later. My razor.

This razor has always helped distract me when the pain and anguish become too much to handle.

I gently lower the sharp metal onto my exposed wrist, then slowly but with a lot of force slide it against my wrist. A sharp pain shoots through my newly made wound, but then the pain becomes a dull throb as I make another cut.

I now watch as four thin lines leak warm crimson liquid onto my bed. I sigh contently as I put the blade away and limp into my bathroom.

I dress my newly made wounds and redress my old ones.

I throw on clothes and head downstairs, my so called dad is working.

I open the fridge and grab one of my dad's beers. I pop it open and drink it in a steady pace. As the warm fuzzy feeling runs down my throat, I let out a content sigh I didn't know I had been holding.

(End Trigger Warning)

Afterwards, I walk back upstairs to brush my teeth, then run out the door to go to school.

***Time Skip***

It is currently the last period of the day. I'm hoping to just ride it out, but apparently the world has other plans. I feel a ball of paper hit the back of my head and I quickly unravel it. It's a note that reads:

Dear Fag,

Meet me behind the school after class and don't you dare try to chicken out.


Great. Just great.

***Time Skip***

Levi's POV

I'm currently standing behind the school waiting for Eren.

I tap my foot inpatiently.

I suddenly hear footsteps.

"Finally, took you long enough, freak." I growl

"Sorry." He replies in a tired voice

Is he ok?

"Come here." I demand. He limps over to me.

What the hell, I haven't even done anything to him yet.

He looks up at me about to speak, then suddenly just falls unconscious onto me.

"What the fuck?" His breath smells like alcohol and toothpaste.

My normally emotionless gaze turns soft and worried.

What am I supposed to do now?

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