Chapter 14: First move

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This chapter will be written in two point of views, enjoy!
Scarlett's POV
"That was a remake dude," I told Anthony while walking through the park. We didn't return to the party, its not really our thing. "That's because you don't know the original," he laughed. "Yeah whatever, that scene is still taken out of the Matrix," I stuck my tongue out. We laughed together so loud, then suddenly there was a movement in the nearby bushes. It was really dark so I jumped in fright and latched on Anthony's waist. "What was that!?" I whispered while hiding my face in his chest. "Hey, I'm sure its just some rodent," he reassured as he encircled his arms around me. It felt so right where I was right now, he tightened his grip as if he was agreeing with me.

A cat came out of the bush, meowing. "Oh its just a cat," I quickly let go of him unwillingly and chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, you scared of a little cat?" He laughed just as awkwardly. "No, I just thought you'd need protecting?" I said but it sounded like a question. "Yeah right," he replied nonchalantly. I looked at the time and it was 11, wow! It was so late. We've been together for a long while. "Anthony I've got to go, we better head back to the party. I'm sure Jen is so worried." I said while turning back. "What is she, your babysitter?" He snickered. "Not funny," I said as my pace got a little more faster. "Why then? Do you actually miss the party?" he asked with his eyebrow raised. "No, you idiot. My curfew is at 12," I told him while I rolled my eyes at him. "Ahhh, so you're Cinderella and I'm the obnoxious friend," he laughed. "Couldn't have put it better myself," I playfully agreed.

Soon we were just around the corner. "Come on, give me some credit, I'm a pretty funny dude," he bragged. "Yeah, funny looking," I shot back, laughing hysterically as I entered the house. "Jen, Jennifer!" I called out, sounding quite muffled by my laughter. She appeared after a minute or two, "Scar, where have been? I've been looking everywhere!" She exclaimed, annoyed. "I'm sorry Jen, I was out....somewhere. We can go now," I told her while dragging her outside to the car.

"Wait I gotta tell Danny I found you and bid him farewell," she told me heading back inside. "So I guess I'll see you on Monday," Anthony spoke, we were standing by the doorway. "Yeah, thanks for keeping me company. Parties are really not my things," I laughed, he joined me. "You know, we should create a handshake. Sort of a 'hi and bye' kind of thing," I coolly suggested. "That's a really good idea, I'll think of one, it'll be dope," he said smiling. "Dope? Who says that nowadays?" I laughed at him. "Hey I'm planning on bringing that back," he laughed with me. "Okay let's go," Jen told me as she approached me with Danny. "Its about time girl, where you been, its 11:30 now." I told her while folding my arms in mock anger. "Let's just go, see you tomorrow Danny," she quickly kissed him and stepped over the threshold. "Bye," he responded. "Okay then bye danny, Anthony. See you when I see you," I told them. "Bye," they responded simultaneously. We made our way to the car and drove off. I didn't notice before but the party had really cooled off.

"Bye Jen, see you whenever," I bid her farewell as I climbed out the car. "Hey, I'll see you first," she joked. I just lightly laughed at her as she drove off. I reached into my purse and took out the spare key my parents had given and opened the door. No one was there so I assumed they were sleeping already. I went up to my room and changed into my pajamas. I slipped into bed and I tiredly yawned as I fell asleep.

I woke up at 9am today, I stretched my arms as I got out of bed and smiled, I don't know why but my mood was slightly better than fine. I made my bed and went to shower. Yesterday went better than I had expected! I mean, I thought I was going to die at that party, but I really liked it thanks to Anthony. I understand him now and I can't help but feel sympathy for him. I would become his friend if he let's me, I would be there for him, I would help him. That was my mission now. I couldn't help but think about that dream, this might be the change, I would change my course of mind, I wouldn't avoid him anymore instead I'll be there for him. He needed people, he needed me. This would be a drastic change, from 1 friend to 2, possibly 3. It might be hard to juggle so many friends, I barely cope with Jen. That must be the burning of the chest, I guess I've figured it out. I smiled at that and turned off the water, its going to be a thoughtful Sunday, I thought.

Anthony's POV
I got home and my dad was already asleep so I just changed into my pajamas and headed to bed. I couldn't help but think of the events that just took place while laying in bed. Scarlett has changed my tune. I always thought that less people less loss, but surprisingly that's not the solution. I had accepted my mom's death 2 years ago so I needed to accept that we are all human, we all have an expiration date. But that doesn't mean I should push people away, it just means you should make the most of the time you have alive to fully live. Solitude is not life, love and care is life. My mom had shown me that when she was alive.

My mom, how much I missed her, her voice, her smell, her simple presence. Her grey loving eyes. Before she left me, left us, she showed me what was love, what was life. I should've taken her passing away as a reason to live the little time I have on earth to the fullest, because you never know when the lights will go off. But I know I won't be able to do this overnight, I have gotten used to being cold, to being harsh. I had enforced this idea of less people less loss so much into my brain that I'll have trouble untangling those strings. But I would try, I would definitely try. I had Danny by my side so I would survive and maybe one day I would find love too. And with that in my mind I slept soundlessly.

I woke up at 10:30am, given that I arrived here around 1. I made my bed and went to shower. Out of nowhere I remembered I had to create a handshake, mhmmm what would it be. It had to be special, I knew Scarlett would become a close friend like Danny, a sister. She helped me get out of my bottomless pit, and I'd be forever grateful for that. By the time I turned off the water I had figured out the handshake and I knew she'd love it.

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