Chapter 17: Car ride

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Scarlett's POV
I woke up today and made my bed, I feel kinda good. I had a feeling I was going to coast through this Wednesday. I went to shower and wore White skinny jeans with a black tank top and a white leather jacket. I wore my black converse, I tied my curly hair into a neat ponytail. I took my school bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Morning beloved parents," I grinned at them. "Someone's in a good mood," my mom assumed. "Morning honey," my dad greeted. "Well I am in a good mood mommy, why not right?" I said while sitting and dishing up breakfast. "True," my mom grinned back at me. After I finished breakfast I made my way to the garage, hopped on my bike and rode off to school.

I got to school and headed to the cafeteria as usual. I took out my iPod and turned it on. Saturday was going to be major for most people here at school because it's the spring dance. I've had a few people ask me out but I've always declined, seeing that most boys are nut cases but I can't dance, klutz remember? But I do know I'll have to go with Jennifer to the mall for more shopping sooner than later. I was hearing footsteps approaching me so I looked up to see Anthony walking towards me, smiling, so I smiled back. "Hey Scar," he greeted as he sat in the seat next to me. Its the first time he hasn't called me by my full name, we're really friends! I thought. "Hey, how are you?" I asked him while I switched off the music on my iPod. "Pretty good actually, you?" He asked me. "I'm just peachy," I told him while grinning.

Today he wore short khaki's with a navy blue polo shirt and white converse. He looked beautiful, his eyes looking less cold but still solid. His brown hair tousled with gel, his nose pointy and his sharp jaw supporting his full pink lips. "Is there something on my forehead?" He asked while laughing. "I'm just memorizing your appearance since were friends," I used his own reply from yesterday. "Mhmmm touché," he said. "So what will you be doing Saturday?" I asked nonchalantly. "Chill at home, I don't know," he said, I just nodded at his answer. "Why'd you ask?" He asked me. "Curious," I simply replied. "Mm," he said.

"Hey, how are you guys?" Jennifer asked as she approached us. "Good," we both answered simultaneously. We looked at each other and laughed. "Hey Scar, Anthony," Danny simply greeted. Anthony just nodded at him. "Hey," I said as I stood up to sit next to him. Anthony did not look happy at all, once he noticed I was looking at him he quickly disguised it. I ignored that and went ahead to sit with Danny, I took a hold of his hand and used my thumb to rub the back of his hand, an attempt to soothe him. Danny is on the foot ball team, obviously, and his grades are pretty average well except calculus and science. So I told him that next week we'll start with after school tutoring. He didn't tell Jen or Anthony because he felt ashamed but I could see his attitude got less energetic and I made the right guess yesterday when I was with him at the clinic. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out, now cheer up for Jen," I quietly spoke, too low for Jen and Anthony to hear. "Thanks again Scar," Danny smiled at me. "There's the smile we all know and love," I smiled at him too.

"I'm curious Danny," I told him nonchalantly. "About what?" He asked, his tone normal. "Can you even dance?" I asked him while giggling. "Originally no, but I've been practicing... With my mom," he said the last part lowly and sheepishly. I laughed at his sheepish expression, "At least that's one thing down. You still have to survive shopping with Jen," I laughed at him louder, this time he joined me. "She loves her cotton," Danny commented. "And her silk," I added in between laughter. "Hey care to share the joke," Jen asked, pouting her pink lips in mock anger. "You wouldn't appreciate it," I said as I giggled. She narrowed her eyes then laughed, "Well then, me and Anthony have been discussing when to go shopping, we're going today after school, everyone game?" She asked smiling crazily. Me and Danny looked at each other and laughed hysterically. "Something funny I said?" Jen asked, confused. "No, it's nothing babe. Sure we're game, right Scar," he asked. "Well if you're coming then... Yes," I said while looking at Danny.

"Great!" Jen squealed. "Oh Jen," I chuckled at her. I looked at Anthony, his face was twisted in an unfamiliar expression but not far from his regular emotion. Cold, anger and harsh. "Is there something wrong Anthony?" I asked him with my eyebrow raised, questioning his mood. "No, all's fine. Shopping is just not my favourite thing," he answered but I could tell he was being untruthful. I decided to dismiss it and let it go, maybe I'm over thinking things, I thought to myself. "You and me both," I laughed lightly and his face changed slightly, less harsh or something. The bell rang so we stood up and went to class

It was soon lunchtime, so I made my way to the cafeteria with Danny. Danny was a really great guy, he was already like a brother to me. "What are you gonna get?" Danny asked. "I'll get dessert probably... Hey let's both get dessert," I suggested. "Sounds good to me," he agreed. I bought a caramel and chocolate cake with regular milk. Danny got cheesecake with strawberry flavoured milk. We went to our table to find Anthony and Jen already seated. I sat next to Anthony while Danny sat next to Jennifer and they started talking. "You both got dessert," it wasn't a question. "Yeah, I suggested it, I felt like eating something sweet." I smiled at him but he didn't return it.

"Is there something wrong Anthony?" I asked him. "No, I'm not sure why I'm acting this way, its ludicrous," he said while biting his cheese grilled sandwich. "Might be related to the shopping trip that's coming up?" I suggested. "Maybe," he answered. While I was eating Anthony spoke, "you're really bonding with Danny, huh,?" He asked, his eyes looking at his orange juice. "Yeah, his great, like a brother you know," I said, looking at him. "Yeah, I know. He's always been a good person, I'm lucky to have found him and to have him stick around," he praised Danny. "Mm," I simply replied and got up as the bell rang and headed to class walking with Anthony.

"So, we'll first go to my house to fetch my purse then we'll go to Scarlett's house to get her purse and leave her bike so then... She'll ride with you Anthony, okay?" Jennifer told us. We were currently standing in the parking lot, discussing transport arrangements. "Cool," all three of us responded simultaneously. "Great then let's hopped to it," she said. And with that we followed procedure. I hopped into the Vanquish once I got my purse and we rode off to the mall. Anthony was awfully quiet so I turned on the stereo. "So I'm guessing you go through this frequently," he assumed. "Go through what?" I asked, confused. "Shopping with the maniac we call Jen," he said while laughing, I joined him. "You have no idea," I told him
"So you're not going to the dance?" He asked me. "Nope," I said while popping the p. "I was thinking, you know, we hang out. Get to know each other," he told me nervously. "Yeah sure," I answered coolly. He sighed in relief causing me to look up

"What?" I asked him. "Part of me thought you'd say no," he said in a low voice. "I'm no monster dude," I laughed at him. "You can't blame me though," he laughed too. "Whatever dude," I replied as I looked out the window. "You say dude a lot, huh?" He smirked. "Yessss," I said still looking out the window. "Why," he asked. "I don't know, it feels natural I guess," I told him nonchalantly. "Mmm," he simply replied then he came to a stop. "We're here," he said. "I know you idiot," I said as I got out the car and closed it. "Over here Scar!" Jen called us over. "We're coming," I called out to her. Here we go!

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