Chapter Three: Here We Go Again...

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“What the hell are you doing here Claire?” Vincent quickly stood before the door to prevent her from walking in. “Don't you got a man to keep you occupied this early in the morning? Or church or something that you old bats like to do?”

“Young man, if you knew what was good for you, you would bite your tongue and move out of my way right now.” Claire was not a fan of Vincent and quite frankly he wasn't a fan of hers either. “Now,” Claire went on. “I don't know what my daughter sees in you, but I don't like you. Never have, never will. Now please move out of my way.”

Vincent was adamant that he was not going to move. “This is my house Claire.” But before Vincent could go any further Claire cut him off.

“Correction Vincent, this is my daughter's house, she just lets you stay here. Now for the last time move out my way, I want to see my daughter.” Claire tried her hardest to get past Vincent but he refused to move. “Don't you have your own damn house? Why are you even here!?”

“I'm here because this is where my business is and it wouldn't be wise, kinda like you for me to go back to my home, not only is it three hundred miles from here but I'd have to up-root my company and take your daughter too, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like that.” Vincent smiled at her because he knew that he had just won the argument.

“What is going on here?” Josephine could be seen behind Vincent walking towards the door. “Are you guys fighting again?”

“Please tell this ignoramus to let me in, the sun is really hot out here and I did not waste my time driving all the way over here to be disrespected in this way.” Claire really didn't have anymore time to waste arguing so when she saw that he really wasn't going to move she pushed him with everything that she had and stepped pass him.

“Mom!” Josephine could not believe what had just happened.

“Don't mom me Josephine. You obviously weren't going to say anything to him and I don't see why I need to be outside on the front porch standing in the boiling sun! Now, if I'm not welcomed here then please tell me so I can leave with my decency still in check.” Claire stood there for a minute as she waited on Josephine to respond but she didn't say anything.

“Well, since apparently Josephine doesn't know how to stand up to you, let me do the honors. Claire, you are not welcomed here now please leave.” Vincent stood there with a smirk on his face as he waited for her to leave.

“Boy, you better wipe that stupid smile off your face.” Claire then turned back to face Josephine, but still she said nothing. “Ok, well I guess that my presence is really not welcomed here after all so I'll leave. Josephine, it was nice seeing you darling.” Claire then straightened her bag on shoulder as turned and headed towards the door.

“Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you Claire!”  Vincent shouted as he watched her head back to the car.

“Why do you have to be so mean to her all the time?” Josephine felt bad for not helping the situation, but she knew that if her mother had stayed it would have been constant bickering back and forth and that is something that she could not be bothered with. “She means well.”

“Yeah maybe for you.” Said Vincent as he closed the door behind him. “You know that she doesn't like me.”

“Yes, only because you give her reasons not to. Do you remember when we just started dating? She loved you.” Josephine walked over to the couch and sat down. “I just wish you could all just get along.”  Vincent stood there and stared at her for a few minutes.

“Well you know that isn't going to happen. Me and your mom go together like oil and water.” Vincent couldn't help but to chuckle at the analogy. “Anyways, remember that I have a business trip to attend, so I'm going to start packing because I have to leave first thing tomorrow.” Vincent left Josephine in the living as he made his way to the bedroom to get his things packed.

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