Chapter Ten: Surprise, Surprise...

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Trent stood before her with a look of shock and pure joy on his face. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Are you serious? As in you're serious?" Unable to control himself he quickly picked up from off the floor and spun her around. "I can't believe this! You're pregnant?"

Josephine could feel herself growing even more nauseated as he spun around so she begged him to put her down. "I mean, I'm not sure but I think I might be." She walked over to the couch and sat down trying to wrap her head around the possibility. "But I mean I can't be because I've been on my birth control.

"Well, when your last period?" Trent queried curiously as he sat down beside her. All he's ever dreamed about was becoming a father, a dream that Cleah failed to make a reality.

"I mean I normally don't track that because it's always been irregular which is why I even started on birth control in the first place." Josephine sat back on the couch as she stared aimlessly at the ceiling. "I just don't understand what happened."

"So is that you don't want to be pregnant?" He started to feel a bit hurt by Josephine's reaction to the whole thing, here he was with his excitement through the roof and she doesn't even seem to be happy about it in anyway.

"No, it's nothing like that. I mean growing up I wanted nothing more than to be a mother it's just that this is all a bit overwhelming and I don't even know if I really am." She quickly got up and took the pregnancy test out of her purse. "My mother gave this to me today." She looked down at it long and hard before she walked back over to him. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course!" He walked with her back to the bathroom where she did her business. As they both stood there and awaited the moment of truth Trent took her into his arms. "If that comes back as positive Josephine there won't be a man alive that would be happier than me." He leaned down and kissed her as tenderly as he could. After about three more minutes she took the test from off the counter and asked that he allowed her to look first.

"Trent? I think you might need to see this." He quickly turned around and took the test from her, he didn't even care that he took it by the used end. When he saw the lines his excitement could not be contained.

"We're pregnant!" Once more he swooped her up from off the floor and spun with her. "I can't believe it, I'm finally going to be a dad! We're going to have to schedule an appointment for you tomorrow to find out how far along you are." After he realized that he was still spinning with her like a crazy person he quickly put her down. Both of them stood in the bathroom and laughed as they looked at each other.

"I'm going to be a mom." Suddenly a great and overwhelming feeling of joy took her over and she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "I'm going to be a mom!" She kept repeating that and each time she did the tears flowed even more. "I can't believe this." Trent could see that she was genuinely happy and that made him feel a little better.

"We're going to be parents. I have to call my mom, she is going to be so excited!" Trent quickly pulled his phone from out of his pocket and gave his mother a call. "Mom, you're never going to believe this! But I'm going to be a dad!" Josephine could hear Tammy kicking up a rumpus on the other line as Trent told her the good news. "Here Josey she wants to talk to you." Trent handed her the phone as he sat down on the toilet and whispered his little prayer.

"Hi Tammy, how are you?" Josephine greeted Trent's mother with a smile. "So I couldn't help but hear how happy you were about the news."

"Baby girl, happy does not begin to explain how I'm feeling right now! I'm just so sorry that I didn't live close enough to come visit you right now." Josephine could hear the disappointment in Tammy's voice as she spoke.

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