Chapter Twenty-Eight: Unsuppressed Desires

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It was a new day, a ray of sunshine crept into the cracks of Josephine's bedroom window breaking her from her slumber. She rolled over hoping to find Trent sleeping soundly beside her but instead was greeted by emptiness. "Trent?" She called out as she rolled out bed lazily. She stumbled around the room in hopes of finding him but he was nowhere to be found. "Trent?" She called once more as she made her way to the living room. "You out here?" But she was greeted with silence. "Where on earth could he be?" She wondered to herself, but before she could ponder anymore she was distracted by the ringing of her phone. "Hello?" She answered without checking the caller I.D.

"Good morning beautiful." She heard Trent on the line. "Sorry to run out on you without letting you know but I had to get an early start on a few errands plus drop the baby things off at goodwill." He explained.

"Oh, that's fine." She smiled as she walked over and sat down on the couch in the living room. "Will you be back anytime soon?"

"Do you want me to come back?" He asked curiously.

"Well I mean, if you don't mind coming back." She quickly retorted. "I personally would like if you did."

"Well then m'lady I'll be back before you know it." He chuckled. "Breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen by the way, not sure if you saw it yet or not."

"No, I actually haven't been to the kitchen as yet." She admitted as she quickly made her way there. "You really didn't have to do that you know."

"Yeah, but I wanted to." He replied calmly. She noticed a sudden change in his voice as though he had dropped it an octave and it somehow made her wish he was on his way back to her right now. "Anyways I gotta go now. I'll call you back in a few."

"Ok." She smiled as she hung up the phone. The escapades of last night still playing on loop her in mind. She walked back over to the living room; breakfast in hand and made herself comfortable in front of the television, but as always there was a knock at the door to interrupt her. "I swear I'm going to just turn this place into a bed and breakfast." She sighed heavily.

She ran back over to the room and grabbed the camisole up from off the ground and threw it on before she went back to see who was knocking up her peace so early in the morning.

"Good morning cupcake!" Kimmie greeted her with a big smile.

"Hey Kimmie." She giggled. "What's got you in such a good mood today?"

"I handed in my resignation this morning and I'm leaving for a three week vacation with James tomorrow." She let out excitedly. "So, I'm here to spend the whole day with you today doing anything your little heart desires."

"Well isn't that sweet of you." She laughed out. "Come on in, I was just about to eat breakfast, there's more in the kitchen if you'd like some."

"Don't mind if I do, you know I never turn down food." She watched as Kimmie practically skipped her way over to the kitchen to fix herself a plate.

"So, where are you guys headed for the vacay?" She asked as she sat back down to partake of her meal once and for all. "And better yet how come I'm just now hearing about it the day before? You're slipping on me Kimmie."

"The Dominican Republic and girl it ain't nothing like that." Kimmie laughed as she made her way back to the living room to join Josephine. "I only just heard about it myself, apparently this is something that he's been planning ever so carefully behind my back."

"I kid you not Kimme, you got yourself a real good man." Josephine smiled as she stuffed a piece of buttered toast in her mouth.

"You don't even know the half of is Josey." She beamed with pride and joy. "I've never, in all my life had a man that came even remotely close to James in any way, shape or form. He is the epitome of perfection; knock on wood." She laughed as she knocked on Josephine's coffee table.

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