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WrongWay: did y'all answer my question???

Fronk: no, no one did.

Spooky: we don't know who u guys are? Care to share?

Fronk: only if bob goes too

b00b: siGh. I was hoping to escape this; by not responding

Spooky: too many ghosts

Milkyway: good band

Fronk: mhm 👌👌 long live Ghost

WrongWay: hi!!! I'm Gerard Way (Gee), I'm pansexual (? I'm still figuring things out), he/she (I'm genderfluid) woo! I also love Frankie a lot.

Fronk: why are you so cute????

WrongWay: I'm not cute!

Fronk: sorry, you're adorable

Wrongway: MIKEEEEEEEYYYY this is bullying!

Milkyway: he's not wrong

Wrongway: >:(

Fronk: look at him. Tell me he's not cute.

 Tell me he's not cute

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Spooky: holy cheese

Tree: and I thought I was cute

Spencers: awww all of you guys are hot tbh

weekends: whomst've

Spencers: really dallon?

weekends: oh wait.

Spencers: dumbass

fivehead: don't insult him.

Milk: that's our job

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