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XVX: what the hell Ryan

notbadjoe: you don't even follow Patrick nor does he follow you. You probably didn't even ask them to tell

WrongWay: 90% of us don't have him on insta

UkuleleScreamo: this is cool and all but this is just rude

Rainbowboi: They could've told us when they were ready

longjonsilvers: what the fuck Ryan

Ocean🌊: coming out and telling people you trust is hard! They don't need people to do this for them!

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PWeezy: I'm fucking done with you Ryan. All you do is put your nose where it doesn't belong. First it was ray then it was Baby then it was me and now, you've had the audacity to snoop around and find both of my accounts and his that he tried to hide? You have no boundaries. I've been boosting his confidence in himself for as long as I can remember just for you to knock it down. You of all people should know better. Especially with Patrick. He's been terrified to tell anyone because he doesn't want to lose us. I've told him that no one knows, no one can find out, and no one did until you fucked it up. We were going to tell you guys today. But, like most things, you fucked it up. You fucked up your sobriety, Brendon's sobriety, and so much more. I forgave you for the shit you did in high school. This, this takes the cake. I don't know if I can forgive you this time. And don't you dare tell me you didn't know. You damn well knew what you were doing when you took that screen shot. I want you to leave me and Patrick alone.

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