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weekends: can I add you back to the chat?

Ocean🌊: Brent's friends are there and he probably set me up

weekends: Brent is not in the chat

Ocean🌊: he's not?

weekends: if he was, why would Bren and Ry be there?

Ocean🌊: they're there?

weekends: so is the couple he tried to break up

weekends: rember Gerard from your art class? He's there too with his bf, brother and his bro's bf

Ocean🌊: so I just made a fool of myself in front of your friends?

Ocean🌊: oh god

Ocean🌊: I'm so sorry

Ocean🌊: I didn't mean to!

Ocean🌊: I just  thought he was there

Ocean🌊: oh jeez

Ocean🌊: I probably just embarrassed you

weekends: it's okay Ryan, you didn't embarrass anyone

Ocean🌊: they all probably think I'm a whiny bitch

weekends: no they don't

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