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k.Harris: someone please explain why we're bailing Bob out


XVX: what?

CloudySkies: but,,,,,

b00b: did no one read his letter? Remember how he got a new phone after his was stolen? And then a few months ago his old number texts us and we just went along with it???

WrongWay: are you saying he didn't expose people?

b00b: Brent did it! I fucking know he did! I went to that park to find Ryan's phone and I searched until I was kicked out by the cops. When I was there I did see Brent pick up a phone he sat next to. I thought it was his when I walked by. But when he grumbled about "that damn freak" I had a weird feeling about it.

fivehead: ......So we all just attacked Ryan?

Fronk: but that makes no sense

b00b: GUYS WHAT NUMBER DO WE HAVE RYAN AS? (xxx)xxx-xxxx! Not his old number!

WrongWay: I did think it was kinda weird when his old number rejoined the chat and his new one left saying "I found my phone and I shut off that new one. It was under my mattress lmao"

weekends: that's nothing like Ryan, when he lost his phone he called Bren and I over and we tore through his apartment for a solid week and retraced his steps

fivehead: oh my god

Milkyway: so we've been talking to Brent since Christmas???

Hairman: that makes sense when we talked about Baby and he had no idea what we were talking about or about my insta

Milkyway: oh my god Brent's been fucking with us

XVX: I need to tell Pete this

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