Chapter 1: All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

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I Remember The First Time I walked these streets when I was a young girl in 1974. Seeing billboards for David Bowie and bars like the Whiskey A Go Go that light up the crowded sidewalks.  But that was in the early 70s and L.A. was a lot different in those days, it seemed as though it was more innocent.  Or maybe I was held far away from all the sleazy activities as a child by my overprotective dad as far away from the Sunset Strip as possible.  Who knows. I may have grown up in this town, but I didn't explore all of its wildest crevices until now.

The Sunset Strip, 1983:   

"Hey, baby girl, where you goin'?" A low unfamiliar voice barked loud enough to be audible over the L.A. traffic.  I glanced over my shoulder to see a group of men hanging out in some alley.  Out of all of them, there was one facing me, he was taller than the rest and his brown hair clung to his face in the heat.  A crooked smile rested on his face as he waited for my reaction.  Too bad he picked out the wrong girl.

"Far away from you, Jackass." I snorted. The look on his greasy face told me immediately that this dirtbag wasn't used to being told off.  A fit of laughter broke out and I could only assume that his buddies heard my remark too.  I smiled to myself as I continued walking along the Strip, knowing he hadn't expected some 5'2" blonde girl to have a mouth like that. 

After around ten more minutes of walking in the blazing heat, I finally reached my destination.  The building that stood in front of me was... imperfect to say the least.  Its brick walls were grimy and there was a cracked window to match.  Brushing it off, I walked inside and felt the immediate relief of cool air blasting inside.  Suddenly I didn't care whether or not this place was sketchy.  I think the heat melted my ability to care.

It took me a few minutes to find the apartment I was looking for, but I finally found myself in front of the last apartment at the end of the hall.  I slowly lifted my hand to knock on the old wooden door in front of me but found myself pausing.  I shifted uncomfortably in the dingy hallway.  This was the fourth apartment I had been to today.  I have to admit, being cut off from my dads money was not fun.  I was hit on at the first apartment, lied to at the second, and groped at the third. Needless to say, a lot was riding on whoever the owner of this apartment was going to be.  I didn't want to have to spend the night at the motel again, and considering how sleazy that place was, I didn't think any apartment or roommate could be that bad.  After the day I had, I could easily admit that that certain presumption was very, very wrong.  I could only hope that this one was going to be better.

I took a deep breath before making my fist beat on the door several times.  Moments later, a tall blond girl answered the door.

"You must be Rebecca!" She welcomed enthusiastically. I was almost took aback by her  energy and apparently it showed, because she let out a small 'oh' before apologizing.  "Sorry if I startled you, my landlord said you'd be stopping by to see if you want to be roommates."  The girl who stood in front of me explained.  She wore an old band shirt with denim shorts peeking out underneath.  Her blonde hair was disheveled and from the looks of it, she had last nights makeup on.  But despite her obvious hangover, she still managed to look very pretty.  She opened the door a bit more to invite me in, revealing a small and messy apartment.  There was pizza boxes littering the coffee table and empty beer cans everywhere.  It definitely looked like there had been a party, maybe that's why she looked so hungover.

"Don't worry, I don't scare easily." I replied with a smile.  She may have been hungover, but something about her was inviting.

"Don't mind the mess, I had a few friends over last night.  By the way, I'm Pamela." she spoke, rubbing her eyes.

"A few?" I teased, raising my eyebrow.  The place was a total wreck.

"Oh hush, you're the one that wants to live here." She defended, scrunching her face up. "Besides," she added moments later, "I wanted to get hammered." she mumbled before walking off to start what I assumed was a tour. I had to resist the urge to laugh.

I like this girls attitude.

We chatted as she showed me around the small apartment. It turns out she had been on the Strip for 2 years. The apartment seemed to match her personality, wild and messy.  Which suited me fine, I had never been one to be OCD about cleanliness anyways.

We only stopped chatting when we reached her room.  On the queen sized bed laid a man with hair to his belly button who looked like he worked at a gas station and smoked weed in the back.

"Oh my God." Pamela immediately turned and whispered to me.

"What's his deal?" I asked, peering over Pamela's shoulder to get a better look at the average looking guy laying on Pamela's bed.

"That's Bob, he is my-well our neighbor, he's the drummer in some shitty band" She explained quietly, careful not to wake Bob up.

"Hmm." Was all I said before walking further into the room and picking up the nearest full can of beer.

"What are you doing?!" Pamela half whispered and half shouted. I ignored her though.  If she was too scared to wake him up, then I'll just take care of it.

"Hey Bob." I poked his face, only causing his to snore louder. Oh well, I tried to do this politely I thought, shrugging before lifting the beer can in my hand and pouring it all over the drummer.  He shot up, and darted his eyes around the small white bedroom before settling them on me.

"You... you bitch!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Just do us a favor and try not to drip on your way out." I dismissed him, turning to look back at Pamela, who had her mouth hanging open.  Bob glared at me, but did as he was told, grumbling something about me being a whore on the way out.  That was weird.  I thought but I quickly dismissed it.

I walked back over to Pamela, who still hadn't figured out how to close her mouth.

"You really dont give a damn, do you?" She asked, clearly amused.

"What? It's not like he pays the rent." I shrugged. She nodded her head in approval.

"I like your attitude." She approved and turned to show me the bathroom.

We finished the tour, and while this place wasn't exactly pretty, it was cheap, which was more than I could say for half of the apartments I had already visited.

"Ugh, I need a smoke, could I borrow a cig?" I asked, turning over to look at Pamela.

"What are friends for?" She smiled and pulled out a pack and handed me a cig.  I knew then that we were going to be fast friends.  I liked Pamela, she had a certain appeal that reminded me of myself.  It seemed like she knew everyone, and she was nice enough to introduce me to her friend group, which mostly consisted of strippers considering it was also Pamela's job occupation.  I had never been one to judge people for that kind of stuff.  After all, it made sense. It was easy to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. 

Meeting Pamela and finding the apartment was a dream come true.  I was able to be free.  Free from the boarding schools I was shipped off to, free from the loving but stern eye of my dads, and free to chase my dream of becoming an actress.  I grew up in this town, I've felt its allure, I've breathed its air, and I've seen people move in with stars in their eyes and flee from it in despair with their dreams crushed.  I was nowhere near naive enough to believe that I was going to make it no matter what. But I was going to try, I had to.

They say all good things come to those who wait.  The only problem is, I'm done waiting.


Authors note: First of all, I'd like to say thank you so much for checking out my story, it really is an experience finally publishing a story on here.  Okay, now time for business.  I chose Heather Locklear to be Rebecca not only because her looks always fit what I wanted Rebecca to look like with the unlikely pairing of an angelic face with a sassy attitude but because there are a lot of good pictures of her and Tommy together.

Speaking of Tommy, He will make his first appearance in the third chapter (I post monthly btw).  I'm doing this so you can get a feel of who Rebecca is without a relationship defining her in right from the very the beginning. 

Also, you may notice a lot of comments referring to Rebecca as Roselyn. That is a change I made after a few chapters in I'm sorry for the confusion if there is any! Once again, thanks for reading and I hope you like my story enough to check out the next chapter!

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