Chapter 4: Just Say Yes

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If There Was One Thing I could say about last night, it would be that it was unforgettable. It was all etched perfectly into my head, the mugging, and the date, everything. They were, after all, the only thing running through it when I woke up the next morning (or noon, but hey, that was pretty early in my standards) and for the next week. I couldn't do anything but mull these events over in my head as I went through my day-to-day activities. If I wasn't so wrapped up in it, I would have thought it was pathetic.

When I got home after all of it happened, I had found Pamela, sprawled out on the couch. She had obviously been waiting on me when sleep had overtook her. But being passed out on the couch apparently didn't matter to her. As soon as she heard me open the door, she shot up off the couch and started grilling me saying eloquent things like "You're such a bitch for leaving me at the party like that!" and after mentioning Tommy, she said my personal favorite (which she shouted loud enough for the neighbors to hear) "OH MY GOD YOU FUCKED TOMMY LEE DIDN'T YOU?!"

To which I responded: "Hey, I didn't fuck him! I have some self restraint, unlike some people I know." She choose to ignore my comment and carried on interrogating me.

"Please tell me you didn't do the thing to him Rebecca."

"Well, it'd be a lie if I did."

She groaned dramatically before flopping herself onto the couch. But, despite her best efforts, a mischievous smile crossed her lips.

"Rebecca, you nasty little vixen."

"I'm not the one that sleeps with every rockstar I can get within 10 feet of." I retorted.

"Hey! That's only true half the time." She grumbled and left the couch to go brush her teeth.

I didn't see her for the rest of the day. In fact, I barely saw her that week. Not before I left for work and by the time I got back she was heading out the door, never spilling a single detail of her destination to me. But at that point, it didn't matter much to me. The day after that night my agent called me, saying that he had found the perfect role for me to audition for. And it was all I could thing about, pushing any thoughts of Tommy out of my mind. But when I was alone, even for a second, I could feel thoughts of him start to rise...

Nobody who I had ever been with had had this kind of effect on me. No boyfriend, one night stand or rockstar. I had attempted to convince myself that it was a one time thing, that I'd never see him again-hell, I had even tried to convince myself that I hoped I'd never see him again. It was just easier than having to deal with the let down of believing in the possibility. But no one else had ever made my heart stop with the way their hands ran down my body. No one truly understood what I tried to say. And they sure as hell didn't kiss me like there was no one else...

It was those thoughts that prevented my from being able to believe the lie that I didn't want to see him again. The only other problem was if he even wanted to see me.

I knew Tommy, despite only having talked to him for around four hours. And I knew what his band did-what all bands did. They went into a new city everyday, conquered that cities female population, and moved onto the next town with the next batch of wide-eyed girls. It was easy. And any man liked sex to be easy. Why would Tommy want anything to do with someone he had to work for?

But I didn't get my answer, so I went about life as usual. Which is how I got here a week later at the Seventh Veil as a slow Tuesday night. Adriana and the other girls were planning on going out to terrorize the strip again as per usual. And I along with them, we had made plans as soon as we walked through the door.

I sat into front of the mirror, finishing up applying my usual amount of immaculate makeup when Adriana raced into the room. She reminded me we only had five minutes before we had to go out.

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