Chapter 11: Pavement

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October 23, 1985:

"Hey can you lend me a cig?" I asked the tall brunette standing next to me. Angela passed the thin cigarette over to me, never once breaking eye contact with the purse in the window of the store in front of her. Which was understandable, considering it was Chanel. It was a beautiful shade of topaz, unique enough to catch Angela's eye from across the street. We had been hanging out practically all week, almost to the point of making Tommy jealous.

"You know," I said, watching Angela stare at the purse with the kind of desire that I didn't think humans were even capable of. "That color is all off, you'd never be able to find a pair of shoes to go with that." I lied, but hey it was in her best interest. Who needs a five thousand dollar purse?

Angela sighed a long and disappointed sigh and straightened up. "I guess..." She spoke, finally turning her body away from the window and towards me. "But-" I grabbed her wrist before she could take another look at it.

"Uh-uh, no pricey purse for you."

"But-" She began.

"You'll thank me when you're able to pay your rent." I interrupted and with that we continued our walk down the sidewalk. The sun shone down in a peaceful and hazy glow, and I was reminded that we only had a few minutes left of shopping. "Hey are you sure you're up to meeting the group? I can always reschedule if you want."

Her face scrunched up at the suggestion and she looked over at me with a sort of humorous disbelief in her deep brown eyes. "Are you kidding? I've been looking forward to this all day."

"Well yeah but I just wanted to make sure. You know, cause they can be a little crazy. All those rumors surrounding us, well, most of them are true." I laughed.

"Why is Tommy meeting us there? I thought that he was going to give us a ride."

I rolled my eyes. "Because he wants to try out his new motorcycle he got yesterday."

"That Harley? God that thing scares me."

I laughed. "Tell me about it."

We caught a cab down to the groups hang out place. There was a few reasons why we always found ourselves coming to this club instead of all the others littered around on the strip, One being that the owner, was one of our close friends. Which leads to us getting free drinks and one of the best clubs in town. I honestly can't really remember who met who first, but he had been a solid part of the friend group for years. It had taken me awhile to meet him though, considering that for the first few months of my relationship with Tommy, he had been on tour, making it difficult to see what his real day-to-day life included.

The obnoxiously yellow cab jerked to a stop and the club standing in front of us sat there, with a line of people waiting that would make any club owner jealous. The club itself was a medium sized building, covered with matte black paint and posters for up and coming bands scattered about on its dark brick walls. Stepping out of the cab, I looked up to see a neon sign greeting me. Bright green letters spelling out 'The Viper Room'. Angela reached my side.

"Wow, this place is packed." Angela mumbled, awe written clearly on her features.

"Just wait 'till you see the inside." I replied, taking her hand and pulling the both of us through the crowd. The bouncer opened the door immediately at the sight of me, and as soon as we walked through the door, we were hit with an assortment of colorful lights. Colors ranging from blue to pink to purple lit up the club, illuminating the stage which was centered in the middle of the room, the bar, which was position on our left hand side. On the right side of the building there was a little black metal staircase leading up to the loft. The loft was sort of the VIP area of The Viper Room, and its guest list proved it enough. Often times its where the group hung out, but it was also no stranger to tv stars and other bands. We lead our way up the loft and I was instantly greeted by a crowd of familiar faces.

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