Chapter 10: Little Thing Called Leverage

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"Hello?" I called out into the mansion that stood before me. I shifted uncomfortably on the front entrance patio. The house that stood tall in front of me was gorgeous. And when I say gorgeous, I mean gorgeous. The door was dark stained dark mahogany and above that an intricate tangle of vines grew on the house. Their leaves catching the midday sunlight as a light breeze ruffles their artful position on the house. The sound of water trickling filled the air from the small fountain on my right. The house's exterior was painted white with a rusty orange roof, making me wonder what the inside must look like. Sweet summer air blew lightly around me as I gazed at the beautiful mansion.

I was somewhat taken aback that Tommy had bought such a elegant looking house. He had never seemed like the type to bother. But the more I thought about it the more sense it made. Tommy wasn't a very materialistic person, but he appreciates beauty and tends to surround himself with beautiful things and people. I thought back to when he told me about the summers he had spent in Greece as a child, running in the blazing sun and immersing himself in the easy going lifestyle. It must have been those trips that made him into such a sucker for good looks.

Finally, out of a mixture of impatience and curiosity, I pushed the heavy entrance door open, revealing a beautiful white foire with a curved staircase to my left and several different archways leading into different sections of the house. From my spot by the door I could see into the archways, one of the leading into the kitchen and another leading into what looked like a living room. It was from that room that a middle aged hispanic woman with dark eyes streaks of grey in her brunette hair raced towards me.

"Hello miss, you must be Ms. Rebecca?" The woman asked.

"Uh, yeah. That's me." I said, suddenly feeling out of place in my leather skirt and fringed jacket.

She smiled a warm smile before speaking in her accent again. "I'm Mr. Lee's maid, Lucy. Mr. Lee informed me you will be living with him." And with that, she took my hand and lead me through Tommy's home, and I found myself getting lost in the twists and turns of graceful archways and dazzling bay windows that reached all the way to the ceiling that was so high I felt like an ant.

By the time Lucy finished the tour of the house, the sun had long set. We had found ourselves in the kitchen where Lucy had finished preparing dinner. Never even sitting down until there was a plate of steaming chicken and peas in front of me. At this point, I was starving. And after a long day of drama I didn't hesitate to dig in. It was then that Lucy tried to sneak away unnoticed.

"Hey," I said, my brows creased together, "Where are you going?"

A blush moved across the tan skin of her face. "Mr. Lee prefers if I don't-"

"Well, I'm not 'Mr. Lee'." I said firmly, patting the seat next to mine at the counter despite Lucy's widened eyes. "That's bullshit. I'm your new boss. And as your new boss, I demand that you sit here next to me and wolf down your delicious cooking."

For a second, she looked like she might have protested some more. But soon sank down into the chair neighboring mine.

"Thank you Miss."

"Don't mention it. And by the way, call me Rebecca. I think you'll find the more you get to know me, the less of a 'miss' I'll be." I said while lifting another bite of chicken to my mouth. This earned a chuckle from the maid and we spend the next half hour talking. I quickly figured out that Lucy loosened up after a glass of wine. We chatted, and I told her about the debacle with Pam. Her brown eyes widened as I told her the story. She told she was sure that we'd make up with a look so motherly I could have hugged her.

I doubted she would be up for that after just meeting me though, so I smiled sweetly and I went back to poking at the chicken on my plate. Lucy was easily one of the most maturnal people that I'd ever met. And she was good company too. Maybe I needed to start befriending maids more often.

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