Dare 3

161 10 22

Dare: I dare all of u to play seven minutes in heaven

Lust: I like that game~

Fell: u guys can pair us up for that game but whatever u do, do NOT make me go in the closet with Lust right off the bat!

Reader: Razzy and Fell closet now!

Fell: *reluctantly goes*

Razzy: *doesn't try to do anything to Fell*

Reader: whelp it's been seven minutes u two out and the other two in

*Lust and Edge go in the closet*

Lust: *starts kissing Edge not letting him make a noise*

Edge: !!!!

Reader: *opens the door*

Edge: *pushes List off him and runs out the door*

Fell: looks like Lust got boss

Razzy: yep

*a random question appears*
Q: Lust and Razzy do u two ever get tired of sex?

Razzy: I'm supposedly am to clingy so I don't do it as often so sometimes I do get bored of it

Lust: *giggles* nope I never do get tired of sex and I do it a ton~

Fell: nothing really stops Lust from it so ya....

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