Question & Dare 2

120 10 33

Q: Lust who r u ACTUALLY crushing on and not lusting?

Lust: not saying

Fell: can u give us a hint?

Lust: fine, they r not like anyone else no matter the au and they have lost everyone they care for

A/n everyone guess who Lust has a crush on

Q: Razzy would u play the pokey game with anyone here?

Razzy: ya I would

Q: Fell can I give u a peck on the cheek

Fell: fine

*Hearty gives Fell a peck on the cheek*

Edge: *growls at Hearty*

Dare: Edge I dare u to prank call ur crush

Edge: how will that work if my crush is in the room?

I like how no one questions Lust having tentacles XD

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