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Q: Razzy how tall r u exactly?

Razzy: um Idk I've never measured my height

Q: Edge have u been nice to Fell?

Fell: there is no such thing as nice in our au because if ur nice it's a sign of weakness and u get targeted and killed,
So no he hasn't

Edge: jeez Sans

Lust: awe~

Everyone else but Lust: SHUT UP LUST!!!

Lust: *looks down and becomes quiet*

Q: Fell do u like it when Edge *cough* bangs u *cough*?

Fell: sometimes I do sometimes I don't

Edge: he does like it

Fell: *face turns completely red*

Lust: *tries not to say awe again*

Q: Razzy have u ever tried to seduce one of the readers?

Razzy: no I haven't but Lust has tried to, it was kinda funny to watch to be honest

Lust: heh it was fun besides being shoved to the ground and getting the sense slapped out of me *mumbles* and almost dying

Q: Lust would it be a good idea to dress up like u?

Lust: probably not unless u want to risk being called *starts to cry* a slut, a whore, a sinner, and a whole bunch of other things *cries more and runs off crying*

Rip Lust I guess it would also mean rip me but anyways I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope I can see more people and more questions, truths and dares!!

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