Questions 2

118 9 55

Q: Lust would u try to use a tentacle on a reader or someone else?

Lust: yes I would, I could actually use my tentacles on all of u~

Q: Razzy have u used anything kinky on someone who is innocent as fuck?

Razzy: no

Q: Edge don't get jealous but how would u feel if u and Fell switched clothes? (In ur own size of course)

Edge: *blushes deeply just thinking about it*

Q: Fell have u ever tried to flirt with a reader?

Fell: I do once in a while

Everyone: Lust tell us who u have a crush on!

Lust: I'll give u another hint, some people call them a god and say he is mean and doesn't care for love and that stuff

Once again try to guess who it is and the first person to answer correctly will get to pick what I as the writer have to do in a chapter

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