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Athena's POV

My head hurts. I'm lying on the ground. It's raining, hard. I can't move.
What's happening? I don't remember anything. Did my parents disown me? Was I kicked out? Where am I? I don't recognize this place.

I gathered all of my strength and got up.

"I'm soaked", I said. I looked around, darkness. Then suddenly, I saw a light come towards me. The light comes closer and closer, until it stops. I cover my eyes, getting blinded by the light. Four people run beside me, then I feel myself falling to the ground...


"AGH", I shout. Not knowing where I am. I'm inside... a house. On a bed. A towel covering my wet clothes. Suddenly a girl rushes in. "Are you okay!?! Are you hurt?", the girl said. Strange.. I recognize her voice and her face by I don't remember... "Who are you?", I ask. Giving her a confused look, she says " I'm Vanessa, Vanessa Merrell. We took you here because you passed out on the road and we wanted to take care of you", Oh ok so she isn't kidnapping me. "I forgot to ask you what your name was", she added. "I'm Athena, Athena Delann. This is a really nice place you have", I answered. " Well, thank you. We make YouTube videos for mon-", she got cut off by four people who barged in the room. "Is she okay?", the guy with a girly voice said. "Yeah, she's fine", Vanessa said. "Oh good. Hi there! Why were you in the middle of the road?", the bald guy said. "I.. I don't remember...", I said. "How could you not remember? Do you have amnesia or something?", the tall guy said. "Not that I think of", I answered, still confused. They all gave me confused looks.

Now I'm scared.. Strangers... staring at me. I got goosebumps.. "Well... You're safe here and we can maybe help you remember or stuff like that", the brunette girl stated. "I hope so", I said. "Don't worry. We won't hurt you", Vanessa assured me as a cute little dog jumped on my legs. "OOF! Who's this little cutie?", I asked while playing with the puppy. "That's Tiger, our dog", Vanessa said. "Aww! You're so cute. Hi Tiger", I said as he barks at me, playfully. I continue playing with Tiger as the others just smile while watching me. After a while of playing, I got tired. "So, I forgot to ask what your names were except for Vanessa here", I say while pointing to Vanessa. "Please, call me Nessa. It's much easier that way", she said. I smiled at her and pointed to the brunette girl, "You. What's your name?" "Me? I'm Lauren" "Nice to meet you Lauren", she smiled at me. Then, I pointed to the guy with the girly voice, "How about you? What's your name?" "I'm Alex" "Nice to meet you Alex. You have a girly voice don't you?", I said as the others laugh. "Hey! It's not that girly guys!", Alex said while crossing his arms. We all laugh then when we calm down I point to the bald man, "How about you sir? What's your name?" "I'm Paul Merrell, the father of the Merrell twins", he proudly stated. "Twins?", I asked obviously confused. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that I have a twin and- oh shoot!" "What!?" "I forgot that she was kidnapped", she said sadly. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Maybe I can help finding her. I'm strong!", I suggested. "Are you sure about that? You're just a kid!", the tall guy said. "Hey! Don't judge a book by its cover. Got that?" "Yes mam!" "Good. What's your name tall guy?" "Aaron, Aaron Burriss" "Well Aaron. I'd like to challenge you to an arm wrestle match" "Oh, you're on!".

We put our hands on the table and place them into the position for an arm wrestle match then Nessa starts counting us down. "1... 2... 3!", Nessa shouted. And with that, I forced  his hand down with one push. "OW!!", he complained. "Aren't so tough now huh tall guy!?", I said while laughing. "How did you do that!?!", everyone asked me. "I don't know. It just happened I guess..." "But.. you.. what!? How? HOW!?", Lauren asked. "It's physically impossible!", Paul said. They kept on blabbering and asking me how I did that. My head... Hurting more than usual.. Anger. Pain. The noise. It won't stop. I snapped and shouted. "AGH!", I shouted while pushing my hands through... air. I opened my eyes to see.. The room. It's a mess. The others are hurt. I don't know what happened!

What have I done?

To be continued...

For the First Time ( A ronron/aaronica story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora