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Nessa's POV

"NO!!!", I shouted as my beloved sister fell down to the ground.

I quickly went beside her and cried 'til my heart's content.

"Roni! Roni, please! Please don't leave me! Roni! P-please! Stay strong for me, please Roni!", I said to her while holding her hand.

My tears couldn't be stopped from rolling down my cheeks. Roni squeezed my hand.

"E-everything is gon-na be a-alright, Nessa", she whispers before closing her eyes and falling unconcious.

"Help! Help! Please! Someone help! Please! HELP!!!", I shouted while crying.

"Nessa! What happened?", Alex asked.

I looked at them, still crying, and showed them my blood-covered, unconcious sister.

"RONI! What did they do to you?", Aaron said as he picked her up and shouted.

"Help! Someone help us! Call an ambulance! Call 911! Do anything! Please just save her!!!", Aaron said while crying.

"Hello, 911. We have an emergency here. Our friend has been shot. Yes. No, she is not concious. Ok. Thank you", Lauren said as she hung up.

We kept crying until the ambulance gets here. We all get inside the vehicle and pray. I looked at my sister. She was covered in blood. I was covered in blood. We were all covered in blood. How did it end up like this?

~~A week before~~

Third Person

"Wake up! I have terrible news", Athena said.

"What is it?", Roni asked.

She tossed a letter and Aaron started reading ut out loud.

"Did you all have fun?
I guess you did. Just in case you didn't know, all good memories will be replaced with bad ones.

Gear up. We will be starting a war and this serves as a warning. You better wait for our attack.

                                        -D", the letter

"This can't be true", Nessa said.

"We're doomed!", Lauren said.

"What are we gonna do?", Alex asked.

"We have a plan but we have to do it quick, understand?", Athena said as everyone nodded.

"I built a safe house in our a different country so that no one would see us", Athena said then she made hand signals.

"They can't know what we're saying. Lie but use hand signals to tell the truth", Athena said in hand signals.

They made these signals up so no one else could understand them but them.

"That safe house is located in Germany and our flight leaves in two days so pack up", Athena said while doing hand signals that tell the truth.

"The safe house is located in a forest far away from here. We will teleport there and get ready for the fight so pack up", she hand signalled.

"What if they have locators or GPS's on our phones or clothes or something?", Lauren asked.

"That wouldn't happen", Athena said while hand signalling.

For the First Time ( A ronron/aaronica story) Where stories live. Discover now