In Denial

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Aaron's POV

"Because Veronica Jo Merrell loves you too", Athena's words keep running around inside my head.

"Veronica Jo Merrell loves you too"

"Veronica Jo Merrell loves you too"

"Veronica Jo Merrell loves you too"

"She loves you too!", I shouted to myself after a while of thinking.

"Wait, really?", I ask Tina.

"Yes, really! Do you want me to repeat what she said?", Tina asked me with her arms crossed and eyebrows up.

I nodded and she fixed her posture.

"Here's exactly what happened", Tina said and molded herself to look like Roni wearing a white shirt.

"No, no! I can't think this way! Tina what should I do?", Tina said.

Her voice sounds just like Roni. She told us to blink everytime a dialogue was done. We followed her instructions and saw her back in her own form with an all black outfit on.

"You can't think what way?", Tina asked as we blinked again.

She's now Roni again. The background turns into her sitting on a bench with a Roni hologram beside her, cherry trees behind them and the floor is water. This is like a scene from a movie.

"Oh my gosh, why am I even freaking out about this? I shouldn't be feeling this right?", Roni said.

"Shouldn't be feeling what?", Tina asked but Roni stayed quiet.

"Okay. Since you won't tell me, I guess I'll just find out myself", Tina said and looked at Roni in the eyes.

"I look crazy don't I?", Roni asked.

"Of course I do! I mean, I'm just in a coma while talking to you in my mind! I don't even know if you're just a figment of my imagination", Roni said while holding her head.

"Roni, Roni. Calm down! I am not a figment of your imagination. Try un-imagining me", Tina said and Roni concentrated.

"See? You can't un-imagine me since I forcefully and intentionally went to you in the first place", Tina said and looked at Roni in the eyes.

Roni looked back at Tina with a scared face.

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, Roni. You're not going crazy", Tina said.

"Then what am I?", Roni asked with a confused look.

"I looked into your soul and I don't see craziness, confusion, or doubt", Tina said.

"Then what do you see?", Roni asked.

Tina flashed a small smile at Roni and continued.

"All I see is denial. You're in denial, Roni. You're in denial about your feelings", Tina said.

"F-for who?", Roni asked nervously.

"Who else? Your bestfriend", Tina said while smiling.

"Which one?", Roni asked.

Tina's smile turned down.

"Roni, are you blind? It's for Aaron! A-A-R-O-N! Aaron Burriss. Do you get it now???", Tina asked.

"A-Aaron?", Roni asked and Tina facepalmed.

"Yes, you dummy! Stop being stupid and just go for what your heart wants", Tina said and stood up.

"I don't understand. H-he's my bestfriend", Roni said and Tina sat back down with her head on her face.

"Ughhhhh! Ok, look. Imagine yhe first person that comes in your mind", Tina said.

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