3. Bad juju (Juliana)

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As soon as my alarm went off, I popped out of bed. Much like I had been known as the weird kid in high school, I was known as the weird one in college too.

See, unlike most college students, I actually liked the 8:30 AM classes. This was because I could get all my classes over with in the morning and then have my afternoons and evenings free. Well, as free as they could be. I spent a lot of my time studying in the library. This semester I had even managed to have Fridays off and just one 8:30 on Thursday, which meant my visits to Alabama could be a lot longer.

During our freshman year, Robbie and I fought a lot. We were trying to figure out to make the distance work; it was hard going from seeing each other every day to not at all. Now, though, we have a pretty decent handle on it. One of the things we decided on was always saying good morning and goodnight to each other. It didn't matter how busy we were; we could at least do that.

Me: Morning sleepyhead! I'm praying for you and your exam today. I'm about to head out to class! And then I'll probably go to the library to study 😂

After looking at the weather app, I knew I was going to need to dress a little bit warmer today. I threw on a pair of grey leggings and one of Robbie's Alabama long sleeve tees he had given me. I had my own clothes, yes, but something about wearing Robbie's made me feel so safe, especially when his scent was still on them. I slipped on my black moccasins from Target, grabbed a chocolate-chip granola bar, and ran out the door for class.

I got to class 20 minutes early, as usual, and was settling in my seat when someone tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around, I saw it was Aubrey from the campus ministry I was part of.

"Are you coming to girls group tonight?"

"Probably not. I need to study. I'm going to see Robbie soon, so I'm trying to get ahead on my school."

Truth was ever since Abi graduated it wasn't the same considering she was really my only friend at the ministry. I didn't really trust anybody else.

"Oh okay. Well, we miss you." She managed to get in before the professor walked in.

I turned back around and continued preparing my desk for class.


Lecture felt like it lasted so much longer than it actually did. On my way to my next class, I checked my phone. I had a lot of messages.

Robbie: fuck me.

Robbie: seriously. f. u. c. k. m.e.

Robbie: fuckkkkkk

Robbie: i slept through my alarm. missed my exam. gonna go talk to the professor.

Robbie: jules i might need you to come bail me out of jail

Robbie: this asshole told me that i missed the exam and the only thing he can do for me is double the weight of my final

Robbie: what a prick !

Robbie: i wish you were here

Oh, dear. What a ride of emotions Robbie had just taken me on. Was I surprised he had slept through his alarm? No. The man could likely sleep through a tornado. Was I going to be there for him? Absolutely.

I decided it'd be best to call him.

"Hey," he answered after three rings.

"Babe, I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"I'm pretty sure I still have smoke coming out of my ears. Like, this has never happened before. I'm so pissed. How much of an ass can you be because Dr. Getty wins that for sure?"

I could hear how upset he was, which in turn was upsetting me. That was one thing that frustrated me so much about distance: your significant other being upset and there not being anything you can do about it. If I was with Robbie right now, I'd be scratching his back, trying to help him calm down.

"But it's nothing that can't be fixed. Have you thought about going above his head and explaining the circumstances?"

"I'd probably get told the same thing. I'm just gonna have to do well on the final."

"Is it going to go in Blackboard as a zero for now, though? That's not gonna mess up football, is it?"

"Oh, like hell it will." I couldn't help myself but to laugh.

"It's going to all be okay. Listen, my next class is about to start, but text me if you want. I love you."

"I love you too, Jules. Thanks for calling."

"Of course! Why would I not?"

"I dunno, but you helped me calm down a lot. You're the best. I'll talk to you later. Bye, babe."

"Bye!" I said back before hanging up the phone.
After going to all my classes, I stopped by the student union for a quick ham and cheese sandwich for lunch before headed to where I spent a majority of my time: the library.

I was leaving to go see Robbie in nine days. I didn't want to have to work while I was down there which meant I needed to get as much work done now as possible.

I sat down at my usual cubicle on the bottom quiet floor and began working. Biotransport was insanely difficult but also incredibly interesting. The thing that was so fascinating to me was that this was happening inside my body right now. There's open systems and closed systems, and it's just so fun to learn about.

As I was taking notes, an iMessage came through on my laptop.

Aunt Grace: Hey you! Are we going to get to see you at all when you're down in a few days, or is this a Robbie time trip? Miss you sweet pea!

I smiled. I didn't know who was more precious: Aunt Grace or Robbie's mom— better known as Momma P. Not that Robbie and I were at the point of getting married, but Momma P and the rest of the Patterson crew would not have made that bad of in-laws. They are some of the most kind people I have ever met.

I messaged Aunt Grace back.

Me: I actually don't know yet. I would love to see you guys too, if I could. I'll talk with Robs and get back with you! ☺️

I decided to just go on ahead and shoot Robbie a text while I was already distracted.

Me: Do you maybe wanna make a trip back home while I'm there? See your fam and Aunt Grace and them? I get in Thursday at 4 and fly out Sunday at 7 PM.

Robbie: im cool with whatever you wanna do but i think my folks are gonna come out to the game so we'll see mine then some. im sure yours could join them. or not. up to you. im indifferent.

Me: Oh, I like that!!! Less traveling for me. I can text your mom and ask?

Robbie: sure

I opened a new message.

Me: Hey Momma, P! Robbie mentioned y'all coming to town for the game I'm in town for! Can my folks join us? If not, no worries. ☺️

She texted back almost immediately.

Momma P: Honey, of course! How many times do I have to tell you? Y'all are like family!!!! Can't wait to see y'all! Gonna be a blast! ROLL TIDE 🐘🎉🎊🎉🎊🐘7️⃣2️⃣

Gosh, she was adorable. I smiled. How did I get so lucky? I knew one thing, though. Enough procrastination; it was time to get back to biotransport.

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