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I woke up seeing the hunter, beta, and delta in my room. "Why y'all in my room?"I ask.

"The Luna want you out her house"the hunter said. I can tell he was sad cause I was the one who helped his daughter. I was the only one that cared for her.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong"I cried.

"Look, just get your stuff and come with us"the beta said.

"I live here. I don't have to leave!!!"I yelled. Just then Amy walk in the room. "What the hell you want?"

"I want you away from my mate. Don't want to kill you too"she smiled. I shot up from my bed and almost clawed her eyes out but instead I clawed her face. She gasp so loud and screamed at the top of her lungs.



Mufusa and his warriors came into the room. Alfred came in as well looking at me. "What's going on?!"

"Baby"Amy cried to mufusa. "She scratch me"she cried all loud. This bitch is so dramatic.

"Go get clean up. Alfred watch her"mufusa said. He look at me with disgust. "What the hell Melanie?!"he yelled.

"She said something about my mom. You heard it"I said to the beta and hunter. "She said that I have to leave so she won't kill me like she did my mother"I cried.

"I'll talk to her"mufusa said.


Mufusa look down at his feet. "I'm so sorry Melanie"

"You really gone get rid of me"I cried. "What about my mother?"

"Oh shut up about that shit!"Amy yelled.

"Fuck you!!!!"I tried to scratch her again but this time Alfred held me back.

"Amy go to the room now!!!"mufusa yelled.

"Bye bye you slut"I said. Amy turn around and tackle me through the window. She turn into her brown wolf looking at me snarling

 She turn into her brown wolf looking at me snarling

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"MELANIE, AMY!!! STOP!!!"mufusa yelled. I stop snarling but amy didn't. She ran up to me bout to attack till mufusa turn into his wolf and tackle Amy. "I SAID STOP"

"You love her don't you"Amy said.

"That's my daughter. Have some respect for her"mufusa said.

"Have some respect for me. If she here then I'ma leave  you and find another mate!!!"Amy yelled. This shit can kill him. If she reject him.

"I'ma leave!!"I yelled. "I'ma find a car and a apartment"I said.

"No, I have a place for you"

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