Chapter Four: School House Blues

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Diana and Anne had finally made it to school. Anne stopped at the heavy wooden door and took a deep breathe. Diana had noticed her friends unwavering nerves, she placed her hand on her shoulders

"It'll go great...I promise!" Anne nodded slightly and pulled the door towards her. The room was filled with all kids her own age she had been to schools before...of course...but none quite like this. She stepped in and everyone turned towards her. Her red hair stuck out like a swore thumb in the room seeing as everyone else had perfect brown and blonde hair. But one boy in particular didn't seem to mind it. In fact he found her red hair and rosie complexion very alluring. He stood up while everyone else stared in shock.

"H-hi I'm Gilbert's very nice to meet you!" He gave her a sheepish smile and held out his hand. Anne stared at him for a minute in shock that someone was already giving her a chance. He squinted his eyes almost to say "are you mentally stable causeeee ya don't seem it" she shook her head and grabbed his hand to shake.

"Sorry very nice to meet you Gilbert Blythe...I-I'm Anne, Anne Sherly Cuthbert" she gave him a sweet smile that made Gilberts entire body seem to melt.

After the class was settled Anne could still feel everyone watching her. The teacher turned around as though to begin class till he noticed Anne who was slouching down as though it would help hide her. Gilbert chuckled and whispered to Sloan who had been sat next to him "she a funny one ain't she" Charlie rolled his eyes.

"It seems we have a new student, please come introduce yourself" the teacher said pointing for her to join him by the chalkboard. Anne looked at the teacher pleading with her eyes. "Well we don't have all day..." the teacher said with clear annoyance

"Uhh...uhm..." she heard a tall blonde haired boy mock her from the back of the room all the boys began to laugh all...except...Gilbert. Her face turned a bright red she could feel everyone watching her in anticipation. "Come on now spit it out your wasting my time"the teacher said obviously irked.

"I-I'm Anne Cuthbert, I j-just moved her with my family...well adopted fami-" she was interrupted by a skinny girl dressed to the 9s "wait wait wait...d-did you just say your adopted?!" Everyone began to laugh Anne's face was so past red it was almost blue. Gilbert tightened his jaw 'What the hell is there problem?' He turned to Josie (the girl who said the cruel thing)

"What's your point? I'm an orphan to if you haven't forgotten...what does that make me" Josie looked at him in horror "Gilbert I-I" she looked down at her desk the room was quite. "Now if you all don't mind I'd like to hear what mrs. Cuthbert has to say. Anne smiled at him in admiration and whispered "thank you" he nodded as if it happened all the time.

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